
Ndindi Nyoro slams Governor Kinyajui for nominating a Luo to Nakuru cabinet

2 mins read

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has hit out at Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui for appointing a Luo, Slyvia Onyango as the county’s Youth, Sports, and Gender executive last week.

Nyoro, a youthful and one of the most ardent MP followers of Deputy President William Ruto says it beats logic to appoint a Luo to lead a docket responsible for running the affairs of youth in Nakuru, yet she was not a Kikuyu.

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The Kikuyu and Kalenjin form a majority of the county’s residents, but other Kenyans from different ethnicities outside the two dominant tribes, like the Luo, Kisii, Luhyas, and Somalis have called the cosmopolitan county home for decades.

Speaking to the media on Sunday, Governor Kinyanjui explained he did not nominate Ms. Achieng to his cabinet because of the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga, which the DP and his allies in UDA have been fighting.

“The principle of inclusivity must not be just in our manifestos. Our diversity is our strength. The over two million Nakuru residents should have a taste of the cake. Nakuru is the only county in Kenya where anyone from any of the country’s 47 counties can serve in any sector without being asked where they come from,” Kinyanjui, who is also one of President Uhuru’s men in the region said.

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On 3 June 2021, Nakuru was officially endorsed for city status after the Kenyan Senate voted for its elevation from a Municipality. The President of the Republic of Kenya will in September give the town charter for official transformation to city status.

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