Nyeri Town MP Dunn Maina is under fire after posting a fake school fees receipt, showing he had come to the rescue of a needy Nyeri Town student, who had earlier tried reaching the Nyeri Town constituency office in vain.
On Wednesday on his social media, the first-term UDA lawmaker claimed to have paid Nyeri High School Ksh. 29,765 as the needy student’s school fees, something Ethel Koi, a close associate of the student’s family denies, and reveals, that the Nyeri High School fees was paid by a private company, which wrote them a cheque after they (the student and family) failed to get help from the constituency office.
”Stop telling lies,I don’t understand where you got the receipt of this school fees payment stop marketing yourself and yet you contributed 0 efforts.I know this family and where the parents got the money,” she wrote under the lawmaker’s post.
”This child stayed at home for 2 weeks while the parents were struggling to get the money.The parents contacted you but you didn’t support the child,in this matter you found the boy a d the parents plus guardian and you told them let’s take a photo then you come here start telling lies to wananchi.Where did you get the receipt?”
She adds, ”He followed us on Monday this week while we had taken the boy to Nyeri High School,he requested for a photo little we didn’t know it was to be posted on social media pages.”
The current Nyeri Town constituency bursary team has been accused of laxity with parents and students demanding an overhaul of the whole team which they accuse of poor management.