
Ole Lenku sacks Kajiado CEC over UDA links

1 min read

Two days after hosting ODM leader Raila Odinga and all elected leaders plus senior Maa government in Kajiado, Governor Joseph Ole Lenku has kicked out from his government the Kajiado County Executive Committee (CEC) for Public Service, Social Services, Administration, and Inspectorate Services Samuel Seki.

In a statement to newsrooms on Tuesday, the Kajiado boss said the new changes will take place immediately and that Mr. Seki had been replaced with Gender, Tourism, and Wildlife CEC Member Alais Kisota in an acting capacity until a substantive CEC is appointed.

Read: After Meru, Odinga successfully consolidates the Maa Nation

/Samuel Seki

Two weeks ago, Seki, who faced off with Governor Ole Lenku in 2017 announced he will be going for the Kajiado senatorial post in 2022 using DP Ruto’s UDA.

A staunch ally of President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ole Lenku is expected to announce soon what ticket he will be using to defend his seat in 2022, especially after backing Raila Odinga for the top seat next year.

Apart from Mr. Seki, Leah Sankaire, the County Chief of Staff has also declared her political ambitions in 2022 using UDA.

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