
Can Ruto Nominate Okoth Obado as the CAS for Justice and Kidero for Finance? Luo Problems Solved!

6 mins read

There was a huge visit by Luo luminaries today to swear allegiance to Ruto at State House.

Top on that table with Ruto was the insidious murderer, the former Migori governor Okoth Obado who arranged the brutal murder of a young Kenyan woman Sharon Otieno and ordered her killers to open her stomach to take away the fetus of a child in her belly, which was a result of a relationship with Mr. Obado.

The genius idea of the man was to extract any evidence that he had a relationship with Sharon and if that meant killing her and then tearing up her stomach that was good enough for this man.

Even the idea that such a vile criminal is sitting in front of William Ruto as some kind of a leader of any community is so revolting it makes you almost throw up.

But there he is having a great time with the president and they are having food and talking about how to be in Ruto’s pocket as the leaders of Luo Nyanza.

Maybe such a crazy criminal is a great friend to William Ruto, but parading them in front of Kenyans as some kind of a future for the country is an insult to all Kenyans particularly to Kenyan women who know exactly what Sharon went through.

Aisha Jumwa who is supposed to represent Kenyan women and deal with issues like gender-based violence needs to talk to her boss and tell him it is very inappropriate for him to be getting close to some of the worst criminals on gender violence who are actually facing trial for that murder.

Here is a pregnant Sharon Otieno before she was murdered by Obado’s killers and her belly torn up to rip off its contents. It is really hard to absorb all that as a human being. There is cruelty and inhumanity but some things are beyond imagination.

UDA women politicians and the spouses of the big boys have all been talking about gender-based violence as a terrible thing in Kenya. Sometimes they break into tears during their prayers talking about the plights of the girlchild and promising women that violence against women is going to be tackled by the Ruto regime.

Then we see the same Ruto having a great time with a criminal facing charges of the brutal killing of Sharon Otieno, a young Kenyan woman who was in college preparing to live her life. That tells you all you need to know that these people do not give a damn about gender-based violence.

They actually embrace those who commit those crimes as long as they promise to be Ruto’s good boys.

The same Okoth Obado is facing massive corruption cases after being taken to court by the EACC for stealing billions which includes Sh. 2.7 billion he awarded to his family members as tenders.

Obado even paid his teenage daughters tens of millions each and the poor kids have been dragged to court. We know that was just money meant to be handed over to Obado. As usual, that case is taking forever in the courts.

But surely, a guy who robbed the people of Migori of billions meant for the development in their county is now the kingpin for development in Nyanza working with Ruto? Don’t take this joke too far my friends, Kenyans are not stupid.

I am going to leave out the others like Kidero and other failed politicians like Fred Outa and company who are crawling on Ruto’s feet. He can have them all and hopefully keep them on his farm in Sugoi.

Just make sure they don’t steal all your chicken and eggs and keep Obado away from any young woman on your farm. They are that bad. Ask the people of Nyanza who can’t stand them and that is why they hold no political position in their own communities.

They tried this shit before last year and it never worked. Now it is round two and it is going to be worse.

Ruto having endless handshakes with criminals with blood all over their hands including a former governor who murdered his pregnant girlfriend may be good for Ruto and UDA but it sure cannot be any good for any Kenyan, particularly those who some of these criminals claim to represent and have been robbing for the last ten years before being thrown out of office.

Adongo Ogony is a Kenyan Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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