Rat-a-tat tat tat that is how the Kenya police through the DCI office described the heavy gunfire they faced with four robbers in Murang’a before they bravely managed to gun down and kill two of them, while the other two escaped and they were still on the hunt for those. They posted their action of bravery and protection of Kenyans on the DCI social media handles.
A few minutes later the DCI deleted their post hiding somewhere in shame.
That was because as the DCI were inventing their criminal lies to Kenyans, it emerged somebody had taken a picture of the two young Kenyans killed by the police having been arrested and handcuffed by the officers who are surrounding them with guns as they sit down in front of the police.
So how did these two handcuffed people start the Rat-a-tat-tat shootout with the police? Of course, they did not. It is obvious these two people were executed point blank by the police and that is because the police wanted to take the money they were caught with. So that Ratatttatat is the money going into the pockets of the policemen after executing two people.
In their early version, DCI was very specific as they gave stories to the media. According to the DCI, a marauding gang of 6 that has been on police radar had on February 25 wrestled an AK-47 rifle loaded with 14 rounds of ammunition from a police officer on patrol within the Muthithi area.
“In a joint operation between officers drawn from Murang’a and Kiambu counties backed up by an elite team from the Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau, the officers combed Kinyona forest before coming across the two who challenged them to a duel,” the DCI said in a statement Sunday.
The agency stated that its officers returned fire “with remarkable precision” killing the two on the spot.
How did things turn around? Somebody put the picture of the police having arrested the same people they claimed to have killed in a shootout.
As the picture flooded social media, the DCI realized they have been busted by the Kenyan public. The case now goes to the useless IPOA which will try to clean up the police execution but they are going to have a hard time with that because of the pictures.
In a normal country, these cops could be arrested and charged with first-degree murder and locked up to send a clear message to Kenyan police that they have no mandate to murder people and invent stories.
The new DCI boss Amin Mohamed was put by Ruto as the guy who will end extra-judicial killings by police officers which the Ruto chaps have been crying about, as something former president Uhuru Kenyatta and former DCI Chief Mr. Kinoti were using against Kenyans. Now we have live DCI-approved executions just to grab money from suspects. Great work by the new DCI boss.
Maybe the new DCI boss will order the arrest of all cell phones in the country so nobody gets a chance to record and distribute information regarding any criminal activities by the Kenya police like this terrible murder case. Cell phones are becoming a nightmare for criminals.
Just a few days ago, a prominent lawyer in South Carolina in the US, Mr. Alex Murdough was convicted of killing his wife and son two years ago. This was a dead case because the accused had convinced investigators that he was not at the scene of the murder and was in fact far away visiting his sick mother. Also, he used two separate guns to kill his family members to make it look like there was more than one killer.
The evidence that convicted Mr. Murdough was nothing other than a recording from his son’s phone when the then 22-year-old boy was recording dogs where he was with his father and mother that day.
In the phone video, Mr. Murdough’s voice could be heard as he played around with his dogs and that was 4 minutes before the murder took place. And bingo, just like that this terrible killer was forced to confess that yes he was at the scene of the murder a few minutes before his wife and son were shot to death.

The poor guy tried all sorts of theatrics in court to convince them that he was there but left just before the murder and didn’t hear anything and came back hours later to find his family members dead. It was comical at best. It is quite strange that the young man killed by his father was the biggest witness from his grave and his phone did the talking for him. Without that cell phone, this case doesn’t even go to court.
Same with DCI Mohammed and his criminals. Without that picture from the cell phone, his cops would be celebrating their bravery now with a few million shillings they grabbed from their victims flowing freely in local bars. So we should take that cell phone and the picture into the museum of justice in the country to tell Kenyans that anytime you see cops doing stuff, get your cell phone out and get to work.
If the police in that Murang’a operation knew about that cell phone taking pictures, they would have executed that phone first and smashed it to dust. Same with the South Carolina killer. He left his son’s cell phone there on top of the boy’s dead body. If he knew what was in that phone it would have been the murder of a phone and two family members and there would be no case.