President Uhuru to seal William Ruto’s fate in Jubilee next week Tuesday

1 min read

President Uhuru Kenyatta will on Tuesday next week chair Jubilee Party’s NEC meeting to decide the fate of DP William Ruto, whom the party’s NMC has recommended his removal as the outfit’s Deputy Party leader.

On Wednesday, March 17, Raphael Tuju, a Cabinet Secretary (CS) without a portfolio, and Jubilee SG said Ruto could only be kicked out as DP if Parliament impeached him. However, he can still be kicked out from the party’s leadership position after months of sabotaging the regime from inside.

On the other hand, allies of the DP have dared Uhuru to kick out his deputy from the party, saying such a move would be very consequential to its plotters. Even though they say Ruto is no longer in the ruling party, he will not go down with putting up a spirited fight since ”he is not a visitor” in Jubilee.

The party’s National Management Committee (NMC) two weeks ago kicked out Mr Caleb Kositany as deputy secretary-general and replaced him with Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny.  Kositany joined the growing list of Ruto allies axed from party positions. Others are Kipchumba Murkomen, Susan Kihika, Kithure Kindiki and Aden Duale.

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