
Join Azimio or perish, Ngilu to Kalonzo

2 mins read

Kitui governor Charity Ngilu warns Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka he risks being in the cold for another five years if he does not act fast and join the Azimio Movement. In an interview with a local publication on Tuesday, the governor says even if Kalonzo insists on being on the ballot he will not garner more than1.6 million votes and will not make it to State House.

”What has changed? Has he engaged other communities?  Has he increased the numbers? The answer is No and therefore unless he wishes to remain at that level and get only one million votes then he must join a coalition that is going to help our people. I can tell you without an iota of doubt our people do not wish at all to be in the opposition and they can see where the government is going to be,” the Narc leader said.

Read: Ngilu: Raila is the face of both ideological and physical transformation in Kenya

On whether the former VP can only serve Kenya as President or Deputy President, Ngilu says there are other positions available and Mr. Musyoka must not insist on just the two top seats.

”Hii kiburi ati (This arrogance that) unless I’m President, Deputy President is not okay. I can still serve as Senator, Woman Rep among others because these are positions of service,” the county boss, adding that the Ukambani region has no choice but to back Mr. Odinga.

”There is no much choice that we have because it is Azimio and Raila who will be the next president of Kenya and that is what we expect from those coming to support.”

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