
Dennis Itumbi using rogue police to silence baby mama

3 mins read

Controversial Tea Master Edgar Obare is staring yet another controversy after he got involved in a baby-drama pitting DP William Ruto’s blogger Dennis Itumbi and a lady identified as Lyne.

According to the ‘receipts’ posted on Edgar Obare’s Instagram story on Monday 23rd August, Dennis Itumbi is the biological father of Lynne’s child. Earlier in the day, through her Instagram handle @kami_lyene, the lady had revealed to the public that Itumbi was the father of her daughter after posting his picture when asked who the father of her child is.

Despite acknowledging the fact that he is the father, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) blogger has run away from taking up his responsibilities in fathering the child or looking into his needs, something which has forced the lady to seek redress in court.

However ,despite seeking help from the corridors of justice, Lyne who is currently unemployed reveals that the child upkeep matter has been frustrated by the judiciary, as it keeps being pushed back and forth, in evident delaying tactics by powerful men known to her baby daddy.

John Orimbo, a children’s advocate, corroborated the allegations, confirming that Lynne had reached out to him seeking his help after a series of intimidations and threats by rogue policemen seemingly working in cohorts with the blogger.

”She has since been intimidated and currently being trailed. We are just from a long phone conversation claiming her life is in danger. The police around her area of residence have declined to record statements,” the children’s advocate says.

“I think it would be prudent if the untouchable Itumbi mans up for the daughter even if their relationship never worked out or whatever the case. The lady is asking for child support at bare minimums, unlike others who manipulate the situation… She has been intimidated and currently being trailed,” John Orimbo explains to Edgar Obare.

This is not the first time Itumbi is hitting headlines over baby mama drama. In November 2019, a court in Nairobi ordered the blogger to provide for a child he had sired while awaiting the hearing and determination of a child support suit filed by a Nairobi woman.

”The child is mine. May the child suckle with both cheeks. DNA is #SystemYaFacts. System Ya Facts has a new automatic member,” Itumbi wrote after he was confirmed as the father in a DNA test he had demanded the baby be subjected to.

The court ordered that Itumbi pay Sh20,000 monthly allowance and asked the parents of the girl to reach an out-of-court settlement.

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