Dead and Deader: Mudavadi in Nairobi without his babysitter.

7 mins read

Mudavadi made his first public campaign tour without Ruto holding his hand and predictably it was the usual Mudavadi mess.

It started with a fake Mudavadi advertisement to make it appear like his new little god Ruto will be in the rally. No, he was not there but Mudavadi had to carry pictures of Ruto to attract a few hundred people to his rallies.


In reality, it was just Mudavadi, Wetangula, and Havi who is running for the Westlands M.P and the usual feckless crowd of UDAS like Murkomen and company.

What was striking about this event is that the same Mudavadi who was very confident a few days ago that Kenyans are fed up with President Uhuru Kenyatta because he has let them down and not delivered to them was this time pleading and begging Uhuru Kenyatta not to support Raila Odinga for the presidency in 2022.

If Uhuru is so bad and has screwed the country so badly like Mudavadi and Ruto want Kenyans to believe, isn’t it a blessing that such a bad president actually supports their rival Raila Amolo Odinga? Shouldn’t that be enough reason for Kenyans to not vote for Raila?

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So the big noise from UDA and ANC now is abuse President Uhuru one day as a terrible president and the next day, beg the same president not to support Raila who is proving to be a nightmare to Ruto and his collection of dying groups.

The leaders among them ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford-Kenya counterpart Moses Wetang’ula said Kenyans should be left to elect leaders of their choice.

Mr. Mudavadi took issue with the manner in which the Government was wasting public resources in funding political projects.

“We want to ask the Auditor General to tell Kenyans the amount of money being used to fund Azimio la Umoja and who authorized yet Parliament has not authorized such expenditure,” said Mr. Mudavadi.

Others were MPs Aden Duale, Kimani Ichungwa, Johnson Sakaja, Kithure Kindiki, Rigathi Gachagua, Kipchumba Murkomen, Aaron Cheruiyot, Nixon Korir and Millicent Omanga.

LSK President Nelson Havi, UDA chairman Johnstone Muthama, former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu, and former MP Margaret Wanjiku were also present.

The leaders made the remarks, Tuesday in various stopovers including City Market, Karura, Maimutu, and Kangema in Westlands Constituency, Nairobi.

Mr. Wetang’ula warned President Kenyatta that his legacy would be soiled if he continued imposing Mr. Odinga on Kenyans.

“We want to tell President Kenyatta to protect his legacy. Don’t spoil or soil your legacy by imposing Raila Odinga on Kenyans,” said Mr. Wetang’ula.

Mr. Duale said Kenyans will not accept a political project to be imposed on them, describing Mr. Odinga as a political conman who cannot be trusted to unite the country.

Mr. Ichungwa told Kenyans not to ‘buy’ politics of fear, saying such situations have been overtaken by events.

Mr. Kindiki said it was wrong for President Kenyatta to impose leadership on Kenyans.

He noted that the country was a democratic state that voters were free to elect leaders of their choice without any interference.

“Mr. President Sir, we are telling you that you are our leader. We’ll respect you even in your retirement. But we want to tell you that we will not allow you to impose Raila Odinga on us. We reject such projects,” said Mr. Kindiki.

These scared Ruto folks keep telling us that Kenyans are free to vote for whoever they choose, well how about Uhuru Kenyatta? Is he not a Kenyan like all of us? If we are all free to choose who to vote for, can Uhuru do the same?

The reality is that Ruto and UDA mob know for a fact if Ruto was given a chance to choose between Uhuru Kenyatta and Mudavadi/etc as his main ally in the 2022 General Elections, Ruto would gladly jump into Uhuru’s hands and would now be singing every love song of how Uhuru is great.

Read: Turn Uhuru into Kenya’s enemy number one: Is that a winning strategy for Ruto and Mudavadi?

They didn’t get that and now they are mad. Nobody really cares. Whatever happened between Uhuru and Ruto both of them know about it. None of us Kenyans know. Yet.

Mudavadi is bringing no votes to Ruto in Nairobi, in Western or anywhere else in the country. It is what it is. It is what is on the ground and the allies coming up.

In politics, you choose your friends and your enemies, and then you have to live with that.

Ruto and Mudavadi do not need to tell Uhuru or Raila who their friends and allies should be in the politics of our country.

That is a choice they have to make for themselves just like Muda and Ruto have made their choices. Why is this a problem for Ruto and Mudavadi!

Neither Uhuru nor Raila needs permission from Ruto or Mudavadi to serve Kenyans whichever way they choose. And yes, Kenyans will make that decision early on August 9th, 2022. It is coming. The nation will be there to move forward. Of that I am sure. And we are as a nation.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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