
CRB listing wasting our youth, Raila Odinga

2 mins read

ODM leader Raila Odinga says the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) listing is a vicious cycle that needs to be broken because it is wasting the country’s youth. Speaking on Tuesday to University of Nairobi students at a virtual public lecture, Mr. Odinga revealed thousand of graduates were listed with the body and were unable to secure jobs across the republic.

”Thousands of graduates are now listed with the Credit Reference Bureaus, meaning they cannot apply for jobs where they need to provide CRB clearance certificates. This vicious cycle needs to be broken because it is wasting our youth,” the former PM said.

Read: 3 Governors, 20 MPs; Raila Odinga’s Mt Kenya campaign squad

Raila also vowed not to partake in the Kazi Kazi mentality, lashing out at the promoters who have resorted to dishing wheelbarrows to a population they promised a knowledge-based economy.

”People who were promised digital jobs, who were promised knowledge-based economy, who were promised double digit economic growth, are now being offered wheelbarrows being told Kazi ni Kazi. That is fraud. That is a route I promise Kenyans I can never take.

He continued, ”Let me be clear here too. I do not subscribe to the idea of Kazi ni Kazi. No. I stand for decent and well-paying jobs for our youth. All my public life, I have been allergic to giving excuses and resorting to half measures.I want to prepare Kenyan youths for jobs of the future, not jobs of yesterday. I want to focus the youth of Kenya on where the world is going, not where the world is coming from.”

Read: Mudavadi Hints at Picking Presidential Running Mate from Central Kenya

”In an era when nations are sending their sons and daughters to planet Mars, I refuse to tell the children of Kenya that the tools our great, great ancestors used in the pre-historic age represent some kind of revolution that can take them places.”

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