Wetangula to High Court: There is somebody superior above you

2 mins read

Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula says a team is ready to make an appeal against last week’s skewed BBI ruling, telling the five bench judges of the High Court, there was a superior authority above them.

Speaking in Bungoma on Sunday, the Ford Kenya leader also asked President Uhuru Kenyatta for a seat at the table, urging him to open the BBI affair to other leaders, apart from him (the president) and Raila Odinga.

”We may not agree with you but there is somebody superior above you, whom we are going to seek an opinion and argue our case, in the court of appeal,” Wetangula said, adding, ”President Uhuru Kenyatta now I urge you, more than ever, to display your flare as a statesman and bring on board every Kenyan to help us get away from this quagmire.”

The Bungoma Senator, together with his Baringo counterpart Gideon Moi and party leaders Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), Kalonzo Musyoka (WDM) are part of One Kenya Alliance, an outfit which has fashioned itself as the true promoters of the BBI. Apart from Senator Wetangula, other leaders have called the judgment a classic case of judicial activism, with Paul Mwangi, the joint secretary for the BBI Select Committee saying the ruling was about politics.

”I am convinced beyond any shadow of doubt as a writer and leading commentator on the Kenyan Judiciary, that the BBI case decided is one of the cases being used by this cabal in directing political change in this country,” Mr. Mwangi told a local daily on Sunday.

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