
We Have No Money to Bribe Judges, President Ruto

2 mins read

President William Ruto has maintained the narrative that he has resisted overtures to use money to seek favorable court rulings compared to his predecessors.

During the commissioning of various affordable housing projects, President Ruto insisted he will not be cowed into using taxpayers’ funds to bribe judges to get favorable judicial outcomes.

“They are people telling me that because the other government budget funds to corrupt judges that I also create a budget to bribe judges in court. Would you like me to use your money to bribe judges? I will not allow it,” the President said.

Instead, the Head of State promised a ruthless war on corrupt judges assuring that the government will expose them.

“The Judiciary are civil servants of the Republic of Kenya and because the litigants are boasting that they have money to bribe the judges. I have been given mandate by Kenyans and I am their lawyer to ensure that all hustlers get employment opportunities,” President Ruto stated.

President Ruto decried that saboteurs have derailed development projects in the country affirming that he will not cowed into cutting the measure to enable the implementation of the Kenya Kwanza Regime manifesto.

“They have had a failed for far too long and we will not allow them to have a field day. We will deal with them by ensuring that Kenya moves forward,” he stated.

President Ruto has dominated the headlines since last week when he declared his intent to disregard court-issued stay orders and push ahead with critical projects such as Affordable Housing and the Social Health Insurance Act which form part of his legacy.

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