
Uhuru coming to purge Ruto from Mt Kenya, Kenneth reveals

2 mins read

Former Gatanga MP and 2013 presidential aspirant Peter Kenneth says President Uhuru Kenyatta will lead Jubilee Party politicians in coming days, on an intensive grassroots campaign across Mt Kenya to purge DP William Ruto and UDA out of the vote-rich region he has camped from 2018.

Kenneth, who was speaking in Mathira, Nyeri county after the funeral of Margaret Wairimu Ngubuini,  mother to industrialist Peter Kuguru said DP Ruto has been running alone in the region without any competitors and any perceptions of him (Ruto) having a euphoric following in Central Kenya was a mirage.

Read: DP Ruto takes on President Uhuru over ‘top of the car’ remarks

”The man was running alone. Now there are other people running the race. Where is this euphoria. Lets’s not create things that are probably not there… With resignations (of public servants) tomorrow, formations begin then with coalition-building we will see the real coalitions,” Kenneth said.

The former lawmaker, also a close ally of both President Uhuru and Raila Odinga downplayed DP Ruto’s perceived following in President Uhuru’s backyard and asked Kenyans to wait for the outcome of Jubilee National Delegates Conference (NDC) later this month, where President Uhuru is expected to enter a formal political pact with Raila. 

Read: Raila’s no.2: Peter Munya vs Peter Kenneth

While lobbying for the Azimio Movement, Kenneth added that the umbrella outfit should have its running mate picked from Mt Kenya considering it is the largest vote block.

Peter Munya, Martha Karua, and Kenneth are some of the prominent names floated around for the deputy president’s position in the Odinga-led government.

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