Uhuruto shootout is on. Who wants it? Definitely not Ruto

12 mins read

President Uhuru Kenyatta fired a little shot at Ruto and UDA telling them Ruto has spent years running for the presidency on top of trucks, cars, and wheelbarrows and doing nothing else as his Deputy President.

Kenyans know that is a fact because they have seen William Ruto in his crazy campaign to be our president since 2018.

Then Ruto responded to Uhuru saying he is ready to fight Uhuru head-on. A big and bad mistake here by Ruto. Messing with the president is bad news at any time. Moi was smart. He did not mess with Jomo and he had Charles Njonjo to do his talking. He never said a word. Except to fuata Nyayo.

Bring it on my friend, I’m ready! Ruto takes on Uhuru head on

“I am ready for that contest, bring it on,” Ruto said as the crowd cheered.

Deputy President William Ruto has hit back at his boss Uhuru Kenyatta over his criticism on non-stop politicking on top of the car.

Uhuru had slammed his deputy, saying work is done in offices and not in political rallies on top of cars.

But speaking in Kakamega on Tuesday, Ruto said theories should also be implemented.

“You make theories in offices and you implement the plan sometimes on top of cars,” he said as the crowd cheered.

“I have been in government long enough to understand that policies and theoretical works are done in offices but implemented on the ground that sometimes entails doing so from the car tops.”

Ruto also dared Uhuru for a tough battle ahead of the August 9 elections.

He said that without him, the Jubilee government would not have materialised.

He said he is well prepared to face the President who on Monday announced that he will be making entry into politics now that he has delivered on his manifesto.

“They are obsessed with managing their succession but I want to tell them that we are ready for that contest my friends, bring it on. Tuko tayari kabisa,” Ruto said.

He defended his track record in government, saying that he took part in each and every project that became a success in the Jubilee administration.

“Jubilee government was a joint project between me and my friend President Uhuru Kenyatta,” Ruto said.

“You cannot deny me as deputy president the credit for many projects that we have achieved together. It is not going to happen my friends. Anybody imagining that they can deny me credit is wasting their time.”

On Monday, President Uhuru accused some politicians of continuously faulting his administration over performance.

The Head of State said Kenya had made strides in the deliverance of key government promises, including quality health care services to its citizens.

“Kazi tunafanya. Kazi haifanywi juu ya magari, inafanywa ofisini,” said Uhuru.

It is on.

Porojo haimalizi umaskini! Uhuru hits out at politicians

Small talk and idle chatter do not bring about development, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.

The Head of State on Tuesday said Kenyans need to choose between development-oriented leadership and busybodies.

The President seemed to have toned down on Monday’s attack against his Deputy William Ruto, whom he accused of non-stop politicking.

Speaking during the official commissioning of the multi-million shilling Regional Cancer Treatment Centre at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital, President Uhuru said he is interested in the continuity of live-saving projects.

Porojo haimalizi umaskini, porojo haitibu Cancer,” said the head of state.

Read: These Lunatics are going to destroy Ruto completely

Loosely translated, “empty rhetoric does not eradicate poverty or cure cancer.”

“Therefore, the citizens of Kenya must ask themselves what they want. Today, we are commissioning a facility that will offer life-saving treatment to Kenyans,” he said.

He said the government is planning to open similar facilities in Nakuru, Garissa, Meru and Kisumu counties within this same year.

“You cannot achieve all these without cooperation from other partners. We have partnered with like-minded governors to open up facilities for our people,” he said.

The new facility will be the second cancer centre in Kenya after the one at Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral, and Research Hospital in Nairobi. 

It has been fitted with state-of-the-art radiotherapy machines and can treat up to 120 patients per week when it becomes fully operational.

President Uhuru said it will offer services at very subsidized prices and Kenyans registered with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) will access services for free.

The new facility, which was built in partnership between the national government and the county government, will offer both radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions.

The national government provided infrastructure while the county government gave out land and human resources.

 “The kind of services offered at this centre can only be found in private hospitals in Nairobi or India. In India, you cannot get services if you do not have a minimum of Sh2 million, but in this facility, you will not pay anything,” said the Head of State.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said the government is committed to opening several other cancer centres across the country.

“On March 20, we have targeted to open a similar centre in Nakuru County. We will then go to Garissa, Kisumu and Nyeri counties. When we talk about access to health, this is the centrepiece of the Universal Health Coverage,” said Kagwe.

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho said cancer treatment is very expensive for many Kenyans.

“Most of the time, sickness needs a lot of support from family. Those that come here at Coast General to be treated are the people that matter in our lives. We are committed to ensuring the citizens get the medicine required,” he said.

Last year, CGTRH attended to 6,296 cases of cancer, according to the data from the hospital administration.

Of the over 6,000 cases, 629 were newly diagnosed cases whereas 1,690 patients were undergoing chemotherapy and about 300 radiotherapy sessions.

On Monday, the President launched the national scale-up of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) at the Port Reitz Sub County Hospital.

President Uhuru affirmed the government’s commitment to spreading the benefits of UHC across the country.

 “In this regard, my administration has developed the Universal Healthcare Coverage Policy, covering the period 2020 – 2030, to guide the acceleration of the progress in attaining Universal Health Coverage,” he said.

The UHC programme was started in the country in 2013 with the launch of the highly free maternity programme dubbed “Linda Mama”, which currently benefits over one million mothers annually.

Since 2013, the investments in health infrastructure has seen an increase of 43 percent in public health facilities from a stock of 4,429 facilities in 2013 to 6,342 currently.

“In the same period, our ICU capacity has increased by an impressive 502 per cent; and our total hospital bed capacity has also increased significantly by 47 per cent,” he said.

Earlier on, President Uhuru opened this year’s international Health Workforce Conference at the Sarova Whitesand Hotel Mombasa.

The three-day conference on harmonization of the curriculum and training of healthcare professionals aims at enhancing the skills of healthcare staff, a key factor in the delivery of UHC.

Now Azimio has to take it one step further when Raila comes back to the country.

Don’t respond to the personal attacks about helicopters and all that crap. Nobody is interested.

Azimio and Raila Odinga specifically have promised a Ministry Of Youth Affairs. Please tell us what that ministry will do for the millions of Kenyan youth many very well educated and who have no jobs to make a living.

Can we have a Youth loan program with key banks like Equity Bank, Cooperative Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), etc where Kenyan youth businesses and projects are given capital access with central government subsidies?

And we have complete accountability for the program.

There has been so much money spent on fake youth “projects” in the last 10 years that never went to the Kenyan youth. All the criminals in these cases are in court today and maybe for the next 10 years. What a beautiful country we have?

Or better still can we ask the Equity Bank business genius James Mwangi to help set up a national Kenya Youth Bank to go on the levels that Equity Bank has gone in our country and beyond.

James Mwangi actually should be Azimio’s running mate for Raila Odinga. Many Kenyans would love James Mwangi as their president.

And 77 years of age Raila needs a Deputy who can run the country from day one.

That is who James Mwangi is for me. Our country needs somebody like that.

Forget the usual complainers.

We actually have a country called Kenya and it is great and wonderful in so many ways.

Nobody can take that away.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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