Ruto to Uhuru: Stop using the courts to fight your political wars

2 mins read

Deputy President William Ruto on Thursday hit out at President Uhuru Kenyatta for what he terms as using the criminal justice system to fight his political wars. Speaking in Karen when he hosted leaders from Mt Kenya, DP Ruto said the Head of State’s men had no better idea to move Kenya forward and are now resorting to force and intimidation to force things their way.

”You do not have to use the criminal justice system to fight your political opponents. The day we avoid the weaponization of political opinion and using the criminal justice system to intimidate people on matters politics is when we will succeed. You cannot assist those who do not have ideas on how to move Kenya forward, by fighting the people who have better ideas to move Kenya forward using the criminal justice system,” the DP said.

Kiambu Woman Representative Gladys Wamuchomba who recently defected from President Uhuru’s camp was among those present at the meeting. Others were imani Ichung’wa, Alice Wahome (Kandara) Githua Wamacukuru (Kabete), Lizah Chelule (Nakuru), Lydia Haika (Taita Taveta), Aisha Jumwa (Malindi) and Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika.

When she rose to speak, Wamuchomba faulted President Uhuru Kenyatta on running Jubilee Party affairs, saying Mr. Kenyatta was using an iron fist to govern the party and that members have no say in major decisions made by the ruling outfit.

”As a member of the Jubilee Party, I have never been consulted with regard to the planned merger. The Jubilee Party does not listen to us. That is why I left to join a side that would listen to me,” she said.

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