
Mvita MP: Raila never interferes with my job as PIC Chair

2 mins read

Mvita MP and Public Investment Committee (PIC) Chair Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir reveals his party leader, Raila Odinga has never interfered with or tried to influence his work in the powerful National Assembly committee.

In an exclusive interview with a local publication, the Mombasa gubernatorial aspirant referenced the KEMSA scandal investigations in which the PIC was tasked to investigate who was part of the multi-billion scandal.

Read: Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, Raila making new Mombasa kingpin?

”Everyone mentioned appeared. When such an issue comes to your committee, you have to put politics aside and look at everything else in the interest of Kenyans. Do you know my party leader has never bothered to call me and tell me to help this one or help that one since I became PIC chair? He tells you, ‘young man, just do your job’,” the Mvita MP said.

”That is why my committee has been able to summon Cabinet secretaries, put an embargo on certain companies not to do business with the government, some people not to hold public office and the EACC to investigate certain individuals, recover money lost in billions,” he added.

Nassir, who has declared his interest in the 2022 Mombasa gubernatorial seat also weighed in on his ODM party’s stand on corruption and how committed they are in the outfit to ensure the corruption scourge is eliminated from public institutions.

Read: Coast to Eastern, Mt. Kenya, Nairobi to Western: A peek into Raila’s 2022 team

”Fighting it starts with me and you and slowly, we will be able to get there. There is no doubt devolution has devolved corruption but where there are challenges, we should be able to overcome them together,” he added.

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