Kenya and members of the European Union have partnered on a digital economy package that will help improve Kenya’s digital economy.
Cabinet Secretary for IT Eliud Owalo says Kenya is seeking partnerships with the European Union countries in attempts by the government to expand the country’s digital economy.
On Friday, CS Owalo met the EU Heads of Missions resident in Kenya at the KICC in Nairobi.
”Our deliberations focussed on collaboration and partnership in pursuit of our digital economy agenda,” Owalo said.
As part of her official visit to Kenya on two weeks ago on October 5th, European Union Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen launched the EU’s Digital Economy Package for Kenya.
The package, according to Urpilainen reflects the EU’s strong commitment to Kenya’s technological transition by expanding the connectivity of schools, providing skills training for students, and establishing a green digital innovation hub.
Europe’s Digital Economy Package for Kenya aims to increase digital connectivity, provide digital skills support and ensure open and inclusive digital governance.
The EU and Germany are jointly supporting the creation of a green digital innovation hub while the EU works on e-government in partnership with Estonia and Germany and Govstack (a community-driven initiative formed from a multi-lateral partnership between Germany, Estonia, ITU, and the Digital Impact Alliance) as well as on data protection, digitalisation of land governance, customs processes, procurement and e-justice and cyber security.
The Package will be implemented through the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Human Centred Digitalisation in Kenya.