
Jimmy Kibaki to run for the presidency on TND ticket

2 mins read

Jimmy Kibaki, the eldest son of former President Mwai Kibaki will be running for the top seat in 2022 under The New Democrats (TND), an outfit in which he is the deputy leader.

According to TND chairman, Thuo Mathenge, a consultative meeting on Jimmy’s candidature was at an advanced stage, and that former president Mwai Kibaki had given his blessings for Jimmy to run.

Read: Jimmy Kibaki’s new party to back Raila’s 2022 bid

“I would like to state that TND is on the advanced stage of having Jimmy Kibaki as our presidential candidate in 2022. Being our deputy party leader, he is equal to tasks ahead of delivering the country from bad leadership and end corruption,” Thuo Mathenge, an astute businessman and billionaire said.

The New Democrats is led by David Sudi and deputized by Jimmy Kibaki. Fredrick Muthangya and Vicky Onderi are the Secretary-General and Vice-Chair respectively.

Even though the younger Kibaki will be announcing his intention to run for the top seat, there are those who believe this is just a strategy for his debut in elective politics and that he will be going for the Othaya seat in 2022 and The New Democrats(TND) will be entering into a coalition with ODM for the presidency.

Read: Jimmy Kibaki: My father gave the president his ‘Uhuru’ name when he was born

Speaking in August in an exclusive interview with Nation, Jimmy Kibaki said if given a chance to pick between ODM leader Raila Odinga and DP William Ruto, the firstborn son of Kenya’s 4th president said his choice was apparent and that Ruto has nothing new to offer Kenyans.

”Raila Odinga has made a huge contribution to this country but many people don’t see it. Most of the freedoms we enjoy today are due to him. We know it. He suffered for it. He was detained, tortured and imprisoned for them. How many times has he almost lost his life? But do I think he should be president? I know him personally, so I could say he deserves it,” Jimmy said

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