
Is the ground in Kilifi too hostile for Aisha Jumwa to sell UDA?

1 min read

Malindi Town MP Aisha Jumwa is finding it hard to wage a formidable campaign in Kilifi county against a joint ODM and Amason Kingi’s Pamoja Africa Alliance force, all rooting for a Raila Odinga presidency under the Azimio la Umoja coalition.

According to sources, the vocal Malindi town legislator has slowed down her attacks on the ODM leader, something making UDA uneasy. Ms. Jumwa is one of the chief UDA campaigners pushing William Ruto’s agenda at the coast.

Read: Jirongo to Mudavadi: Politics making you disown your birth mother Mama Hannah

Currently, Raila Odinga commands a majority of following not only in Kilifi county but the entire Coastal strip.

However, it is in Kilifi that Mr. Odinga has both the backing of his ODM Party and also Pamoja African Alliance after its leader (Kingi) closed ranks with the former prime minister and vowed to lockout William Ruto and UDA from the county.

Governor Kingi is serving his second term as governor on an ODM ticket.

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