
Governor Wa Iria tears into Ruto, Mudavadi ahead of Odinga’s mega rally

2 mins read

Muranga governor Mwangi Wa Iria on Thursday condemned Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi and Deputy President William Ruto over what he termed as attacks on Uhuru Kenyatta in his capacity as the president, and as the leader of Mt Kenya.

Speaking at Mumbi Stadium in Muranga while unveiling his ”Usawa Kwa Wachuuzi” economic model, Governor Wa Iria described last week’s ANC national delegates conference as an event that was used to malign the person of Uhuru Kenyatta instead of discussing the party’s merger with UDA.

Read: Is the ground in Kilifi too hostile for Aisha Jumwa to sell UDA?

”Ni mkutano yao ya NDC yao, lakini mjadala yao ni kiongozi yetu. Kuna mkutano ilifanywa Bomas. Hiyo chama ni ya Western Kenya, lakini mjadala ni Kiongizi ya Wakikuyu. Watu wamekaa wakachora orodha ya mambo duni yote. Eti hakuna hata moja kwa miaka kumi Rais Uhuru Kenyatta amefanya,” the 2022 presidential aspirant said.

The county chief currently serving his final term after being elected twice in 2013 and 2017 also told Mt Kenya MPs leaning towards Tanga Tanga to stop attempting to diminish President Uhuru Kenyatta’s achievements, saying it was impossible the Head of State did nothing for his backyard while at the helm, for ten years.

Governor Wa Iriás remarks are coming just a few hours to Azimio Movement leader Raila Odinga’s mega rally at Ihura Stadium this weekend on Saturday, where it is expected Jubilee leaders in the county will formally endorse the former prime minister for the top seat.

Odinga will also be drumming up support for his unity agenda with President Uhuru Kenyatta as well as his fifth stab at the presidency.

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