Muranga Senator Irungu Kangata is not a happy man. On Wednesday night while appearing at Citizen TV’s JK Live, the former Majority Whip confessed on live TV he is angry with the Head of State’s recent development initiatives and programs in the Luo Nyanza region.
Kangata says it is very unfair for him and other Jubilee supporters who have spent years fighting the ODM leader only for the Head of State to turn around and embrace Mr. Odinga and his region.
”I cannot support Raila Odinga, I do not support his politics and therefore I’m a little bit unhappy when I see Jubilee Party moving towards Raila’s corner. We have spent so many years fighting against Raila Odinga only for the president to make a 360 degree turn around to embrace him. Jubilee supporters are pained he is taking goodies to NASA strongholds,” the Muranga Senator said.
President Uhuru Kenyatta after the March 2018 handshake has had a warm political relationship with Raila Odinga, even making trips to the ODM leader’s backyard. With the latest being Kisumu, which hosted this year’s Madaraka Day celebrations.
Apart from castigating the Head of State over his focus on Nyanza, Senator Kangata also lashed out at the Handshake and promoters of BBI, saying it is now in the open that the BBI was meant to isolate DP William Ruto.
”The political underpinnings of BBI is to exclude William Ruto from power, of course, it is not spoken but I’m sure every Kenyan understands the politics of BBI. If the process was bonafide and not monafide, they would have called him after the BBI case flopped at the courts and asked him to join them in solving the challenge, ” he said.