Inside list of demands by Luo leaders to Uhuru ahead of Madaraka Day fete

2 mins read

Leaders from the counties of Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, and Migori have drafted a list of demands, which they will hand over to President Uhuru Kenyatta ahead of the Madaraka Day celebrations on Tuesday.

According to multiple sources, a caucus (Duol) comprising elected leaders from Luo Nyanza in the senate and national assembly are using this rare opportunity to fiercely pursue interests of the Lake region.

Local governors on the other hand have focused on specific areas within their counties, with Okoth Obado (Migori) and Cornel Rasanga (Siaya) pointing out resources in sugarcane planting and the lake respectively.

“I expect the President to look into the plight of cane producers and how Sony Sugar Factory can be helped,” Migori county boss Okoth Obado said.

Governor Rasanga on the other said the revival of small ports in Lake Victoria will be a major boost for local businesses in the region.

“Small ports like Nyilima and Luanda Kotieno will ease business. We would also want to see Kendu Bay and Muhuru ports revived,” Mr. Rasanga said.

Seme MP James Nyikal, who chairs Duol has been coordinating a series of meetings, both in Nairobi and Kisumu to see a befitting welcoming given to the Head of State when he arrives in Kisumu. chairman of the Luo MP’s caucus, popularly known as Duol, said yesterday’s meeting was to organize the welcoming of the President in Kisumu.

The Nyikal led caucus is expected to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta today at State House, in Nairobi.

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