
If Not Us, Then Who?

3 mins read

Luo politicians, if they are genuine that they want to end the opportunistic murder of Luos during political crises, then they must first build institutions of justice within the Luo community.

When young Muslims in Mombasa and elsewhere were being killed aimlessly by anti-terror police, and none of the Nairobi-based human rights groups were doing anything, the Muslims themselves formed MUHURI, which focused entirely on fighting for the rights of fellow Muslims.

Together with HAKI Africa, they fought anti-terror police excesses while simultaneously creating a large pool of data on victims of ATPU extra-judicial killings. They then used this data to confront organizations that were funding war on terror like Western embassies.

This is what I mean by saying Luos must build their own internal institutions of justice.

As things stand now, we are being treated to populism and the shedding of crocodile tears by politicians who are merely securing their tickets for 2027. Never underrate the selfishness of Luo politicians.

Our problem as Luos is to think that our politicians are different. That they are of higher moral fiber. No they are not.

A public inquest named Baby Pendo killers. To date, not a single Luo politician has followed up to ask why the prosecution of those named during the inquest is yet to start.

In Parliament, Luo politicians can be so cantankerous in attacking the government because of police brutality but that’s what in politics we call ‘playing to the gallery’. It achieves nothing.

It is worthless to attack government or insult IG Koome the whole day then move on. History will bear me witness when I say that no political group moves on so quickly like Luo politicians.

Luos who were killed in 2013 and 2017 never got justice. Those who were murdered in 2007 suffered double jeopardy, as their families recieved no compensation while their killers became saints, years later.

We Luos must start holding our leaders accountable. Now that some have said they want to use sijui which case law in Honduras sijui wapi to hold IG Koome accountable, let them get to work.

Remember ever since IG Koome stated that Azimio hired dead bodies, up to now no Luo politician has done anything substantive to hold him to account on that hurting statement.

Such a careless statement should have led to the collapse of the talks. Because these talks will mean little if people like Koome still think garbage and talk trash.

Until the day comes when we begin organizing ourselves internally, there’s scarely any hope of ever holding those who murder Luos accountable.

Worse, the murders will continue.

Dikembe Disembe is a Political Researcher and Writer

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