President Ruto laid out an elaborate strategy for Raila Odinga’s African Union race which has remained intact for the entire two years of this campaign. As some of you still whined over…
I have listened once again to Governor James Orengo make comments that are totally stuck in time. It is not so much that he is wrong. It is only that he speaks…
Uhuru Kenyatta told his tribesmen a Kenyan self-evident truth they refused to accept but which is eating them now. Kikuyus should go watch Uhuru’s Jamhuri Day speech in 2020. Mt. Kenya people…
It was always difficult for ODM Luo MPs to seek development projects from the government as the party had maintained the government was failing. To seek services from a failing government was…
A note on how I observed the Jakom-Oreng’o-Nyong’o powerplay on the issue of the ODM Party Leader. First of all congratulations to Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o; the number one goal of a…
In November 2020, I wrote on medium something that I should share again here. The Uhuru-Raila handshake was now almost two-years old and Mt. Kenya, which had earlier grudgingly welcomed the handshake,…
Some ODM MPs (first term) have visited The Great Helmsman, Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga, with the message that ‘mumesema hamtaki handshake’. I did not send them so I am not part of…
Nominations to parliament (LegCo) started under colonialism, with the governor nominating certain individuals to ensure the balance of power rested with the colonial government and not the settlers. Over the years, nominations…
In the run-up to the 2022 election, I constantly warned our side of politics to develop a “competing narrative” to the then evolving Tangatanga versus Kieleweke narratives that were the [then] ONLY…
Once again I urge Migori Leaders to work toward bring a university to Migori Town. They can start with upgrading Migori TTC to a campus of Rongo University, from where it can…