Furious Uhuru chases away Murathe, Tuju from State House meeting over ODM

2 mins read

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday night chased away Jubilee Vice-Chairman David Murathe and the party’s Secretary General Raphael Tuju from a meeting at State House last night.

Outraged by how Harambee House officials used state apparatus against the ODM Party in Bonchari, and the Jubilee Party losses in recent byelections, Uhuru convened a crisis meeting at his official residence in Nairobi, to find out what had gone wrong for the ruling party and who exactly was responsible for the mess in Bonchari.

”He chased everyone away at State House. He told everyone to go home arguing that they were not telling him anything substantive. He said that going by the losses in the by-elections, they were not doing their homework,” said a source privy to the happenings.

The President first summoned Jubilee Vice-Chairman David Murathe and Secretary-General Raphael Tuju, who later were joined by joined CAS Winnie Guchu and two senior Harambee House officials.

On Wednesday, Orange Democratic Movement Party leader Raila Odinga called for an end to police brutality after the party’s officials were subjected to horrendous brutality.

According to Raila, what was witnessed in the Bonchari and Juja by-elections was an abuse of police powers and an arrogant display of impunity by a few overzealous and bellicose government functionaries.

“An election process is an opportunity for the voters to express their will at the ballot and not an avenue to pursue imaginary and short-legged political interests. Security forces exist to serve the people and not the interests of those out to conduct political experiments.”

Raila said that the peaceful co-existence post-2018 must not be taken for granted by some rogue elements wanting to confuse the handshake for an excuse to erode the country’s hard-earned liberties.

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