Fireworks at the Jeff Koinange Show on Uhuru’s Sagana speech

2 mins read

Finally, the heat is pushing the hidden Ruto supporters who are too ashamed to publicly support him to come out of the woodworks to hold the burning feet of their sinking hero.

One problem Ruto has is that other than Dr. David Ndii who is publicly in the Ruto inner circle, many of his supporters who are otherwise normal and mature people are too embarrassed to stand publicly with him and advise him on what to do.

So Ruto is stuck with outright lunatics like Rigathi Gachagua, Millicent Omanga, Ichung’wah, and other people who come to dance for him in his little statehouse in Karen. The rest of the work is done by Dennis Itumbi when he is not kidnapping himself.

Right now the Ruto mob is totally confused in terms of what to do with Uhuru.

On the one hand, they claim Uhuru is very unpopular and nobody listens to him. You would think that would make the Ruto squad very happy since a very unpopular person is supporting their rival.

Read: Uhuru to Ruto: Kimwarer money will not buy you heaven. Kenyans must stop the thieves now

But no. The same Ruto group is mad with Uhuru for supporting Raila claiming Uhuru is influencing the vote and therefore they do not have a fair playing ground. Which is which?

In fact, the new propaganda being driven by Ruto himself is that Raila is forcing Uhuru to support him and should leave Uhuru alone to retire.

The last time I checked Raila was nowhere in Sagana on February 23, 2022. It was Uhuru handling the issues he thinks are important to Kenyans.

Let’s face the unsanitized truth. If Uhuru came out like today in Sagana and boldly declared unwavering support for Ruto there would be an epic dance by Ruto and his mob lasting weeks. Uhuru would be announced by them as the next best thing since Jesus Christ on our earth.

It didn’t happen. Too bad. Swallow your anger and move on.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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