
Wounded DP tears into President Uhuru, vows to stay put

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A wounded Deputy President William Ruto has continued with his onslaught on President Uhuru Kenyatta over the withdrawal and scaling down of security at his Karen residence and upcountry homes in Uasin Gishu county.

Speaking at a church service on Sunday, the DP said the state was focused on inconsequential issues instead of looking at and solving problems facing the normal mwananichi.

An agitated Ruto fingered bad politics for his current woes in government. He accuses the state of not having its priorities right at a time when Kenyans need money in their pocket.

”Wanaweza leta hata G4S, there is no problem…tusilete migawanyiko kwa askari…tuache siasa duni….wale wanajitafutia nani mkubwa nani mdogo, haya hayasaidii changamoto zilizoko kwa Wakenya…priorities ni kujua wafanyibiashara wanapata fedha wapi,” the DP said.

Read: Government stops DP Ruto’s Karen delegations

In what seemed to be a direct response to President Uhuru who called on him to leave, if dissatisfied with the government’s performance and agenda, Ruto said he was rightfully elected to his position and resigning from it would amount to betraying those who woke up early to cast their vote for him.

“Nimepewa mawaidha, sijui nijiuzulu kuna matatizo kwa serikali…sasa nawaambia siku niliamua kutafuta uongozi nilijua kuna matatizo na shida ya kutatua…wakati unatafuta suluhu kama kiongozi unaweza kupata matatizo,” he continued.

Read: Uhuru vows to sell Raila in Mt Kenya, dismantle Ruto

“Itakuwa uwoga na aibu kubwa kwamba mimi nitatoroka kwa matatizo yaliyoko…itawezekanaje nitoroke? Ni usaliti mkubwa kwawale waliamka mapema kunipigia kura, ati kwa sababu kuna matatizo, mimi sikuchaguliwa kula ice cream…kujaribu kukwepa nitawasaliti mamilioni.”

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