
Weapons being smuggled from Uganda into Kenya

3 mins read

Francis Atwoli says allies of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto are smuggling illicit arms into the country with an intention to use them in capturing power next year.

Speaking over the weekend during the burial of Tabitha Atiwno, the wife of COTU Deputy Secretary-General, Atwoli accused Deputy President William Ruto of trying to create anarchy and chaos to have Kenyans kill each other.

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”We will not allow Kenyans to kill each other. All these things you are hearing about Uganda. Security agents should be cautious and check the imports at the Kenya – Uganda border, all containers because some are carrying weapons. Weapons are being brought into the country, and I am prepared to write a statement on that,” Atwoli said.

This was not the first time the COTU boss making similar claims. Speaking in Tana River last month when he accompanied ODM boss Raila Odinga on a tour of the region, Atwoli alleged the deputy president plans to reject the outcome of the 2022 presidential election and later cause chaos in the country.

”Ruto atashindwa an hatakubali ameshindwa. Yeye ndio ataleta fujo. Saa hizi anafanya urafiki an nchi jirani ili apitishe mabunduki,” he said on July 21st in Hola.

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Last week on Monday, the government of Kenya blocked William Ruto at Nairobi’s airport from traveling to Uganda, with officials from the immigration department requesting clearance from the Head of Civil Service Joseph Kinyua.

Among the DP’s entourage was a foreign businessman Harun Aydin who is currently detained at the ATPU Headquarters in Nairobi over links to financing terror activities. Sources within the police say detectives are seeking to hold the turk for 14 days as they investigate the terror claims.

This was the second trip to Uganda by the DP within a month. On 8th July, William Ruto spent his day at the Ugandan leader’s Mbarara district home after presiding over the opening of laying of the foundation stone for a Biological Drugs and mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility at Matuga-Wakiso District at the invitation of President Museveni.

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