Senator of Siaya James Orengo says ODM will not face the rigging issues in the coming elections as the outfit has put in place solid measures to curb electoral theft in the coming elections.
Speaking over the weekend in Siaya, the Minority leader in the Senate called on their supporters to enlist as voters in the ongoing mass registration to ensure they have enough votes for Raila Odinga to clinch the presidency next year in August.
“We have put enough measures in place to curb rigging. We want the winner who will be declared to accept and those who will lose to accept as well,” Senator Orengo said at Agoro Oyombe Secondary School.
Read: Kibicho to Waiguru: Stop dragging politics into a national event
Orengo’s remarks were supported by Ugenya MP Opiyo Wandayi who said they now have full confidence in the IEBC, after calling out for the removal of Wafula Chebukati in August.
”We have full confidence in IEBC as constituted. We expect it to conduct elections in a transparent manner. IEBC should not engage in any more sideshow but focus on delivering free and fair elections. This election is no doubt that Raila will become the fifth President,” the Ugenya legislator said in Ambira, Ugunja.