UDA Turns Mass Action Into Street Warfare and Not Even God Can Save Our Country

13 mins read

Raila and his Azimio team have told the country that Kimani Ichungwa and Ndidi Nyoro convened a meeting in Karen at Rigathi’s residence on Tuesday Night on how they will arm youth in Nairobi to Kill 1000 Kenyans during the demonstrations and take videos plus images to the ICC, blaming Azimio leaders.

There are many in the UDA kingdom party who will say that is just Azimio propaganda as they prepare for another big-time Mass Action on Monday, March 27, 2023. Kenyans know it is the job of UDA to deny any realities in our country as they happen today. Fair enough.

But Kenyans saw something very strange in our streets for the first time on Monday 20, 2023. It is something Kenyans have never seen before even during the mass rallies against the Moi dictatorship. Kenyans saw heavily armed plain clothes militia operating as if they were part of the Kenya Police.

Are these heavily armed people shooting at demonstrators part of the Kenya Police force or are they William Ruto’s personal militia to kill Kenyans? Are these the people who fired shots into Raila’s car, tried to take out Kalonzo Musyoka, and shot bullets that hit Winnie Odinga’s car?

Are these people Ruto’s personal assassins? You bring thousands of these people into the streets to shoot Kenyans you will have a blood bath on Monday, March 27, 2023. How wonderful will that be for the country?

We already know that as opposed to media reports suggesting only one person, a Maseno University student was killed by police on Monday 20, 2023 rallies, there were actually four Kenyans killed on that day. That is in a statement from the Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU) which works on the ground as opposed to other human rights groups like KNCHR hiding in their offices, recycling old police reports.

If the Ruto thugs start killing more people in the streets, they can be sure Kenyans will respond in self-defense and then you have a situation completely out of control. You end up with an armed confrontation between a new political dictatorship with their militia and Kenyans will have their own armed resistance on the ready, and all of a sudden, our country is the new DRC and there is no politician who can control that from either side of the political divide.

We almost got there in the 1990s when many groups in the Kenyan multi-party democracy movement went underground and a whole bunch of them were preparing for armed resistance to the Moi regime, which was at that time killing Kenyans opposed to his rule.

Kenyan activists were involved in underground military training. I know that because I was one of those whose job was to send people to military training outside the country. Very soon Moi knew what was happening and he figured out how to get out of that in 1992.

This is how Kenya looked at the time with liberation groups like Mwakenya ((Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kenya)  right on the ground in Kenya and all over the world too. We had Kenya Patriotic Front (KPF) led by Koigi Wamwere and many others like the Mekatalili Revolutionary Movement of Kenya (MEKAREMO).

I pretty much worked with all of those movements in 1980s and 1990s in and outside of Kenya as an exile, so I know how the country was at that time. It was tough but there were many Kenyan patriots saying let’s take the war to the dictatorship instead of being killed lying down.

It seems Ruto with the help of his chief warrior Gachagua want a shortcut about all that. They want street warfare, starting right now and they think it will stop Raila and Azimio so that Ruto can bully the country and he and his crew can swim in taxpayer money while Kenyans continue living in misery.

A shortcut to armed confrontation will be the end of the country and none of these politicians will decide the future, including Ruto and Raila. Armed conflicts are not resolved by politicians. They are resolved by arms and only arms. If that is the country Ruto wants we are going to have it very quickly and not even Ruto’s God will save him or save the country. Just look at DRC.

The good news is that Kenya has plenty of time for politicians to cool down their egos and power greed to figure out what is good for Kenya and the citizens of our country. Plenty of time here is like four days before next Monday’s Mass Action. That is a lot of time to solve things when you are facing a complete disaster for the entire country. Our leaders have to take this very seriously.

And then there is all this talk about the ICC. Ruto and his friends want to kill people so that Raila can be accused of doing that and be sent to the ICC. Azimio leaders have also talked about taking Ruto to the ICC and all that. Here is the deal. The ICC is too busy right now trying to arrest Putin for invading Ukraine even as the war moves towards nuclear annihilation.

ICC knows they will never touch Putin. So please Kenyans, stop thinking that ICC will save you after you start killing each other because as a matter of fact, you are on your own. Solve your problems by yourselves. ICC has more things to waste time on. Kapish, like my good friend from Eritrea would tell me when she was pissed off.

And then there is the boring talk about a handshake between Ruto and Raila. Forget about that because it would be useless. The only handshake Ruto needs is with the Kenyan suffering people.

William Ruto had no idea that governing a country can be so difficult. He thought once he was announced as the president he could do whatever he wants and shit on everybody else. It is much more complicated than that and he is learning it the hard way.

The first item on the handshake Ruto needs with Kenyans is to stop the wasteful abuse of Kenyan taxpayer money. Ruto must then revoke the appointment of 50 CAS freeloaders and appoint 23 CAS officials as provided by the law.

The second piece of that handshake would be to revoke Ruto’s decision to allow the Treasury boss, his stooge Njuguna, to privatize Kenya’s parastatal corporations. It is illegal and Kenyans know exactly how this is going to work. Within weeks, Ruto is going to privatize all those Sugar companies like Mumias Sugar which is already in chaos.

The main issue with this move is to put an end to Ruto’s decision to privatize big money corporations and turn all those public assets to become the property of Ruto and his rich friends.

The key piece of that handshake with Kenyans is to get out of the one-man dictatorship with the support of sycophants and instead have a democratic process of governance for the benefit of all Kenyans and put an end to the tribal shareholding of our republic and its resources.

All these are just starting points to get our country on the path to national healing and democracy. If Ruto goes for that option, Kenyans will accept it. If Ruto goes for the warfare option, Kenyans will deal with that as best as they can. All options are open to the Ruto government.

Kenyans are speaking as we can see here just today March 23, 2023




Dear Kenyans,

The Judiciary under the leadership of the Chief Justice Martha Koome has today appalled us and made a mockery of its constitutional role by presiding over the 7.00 am swearing in of 50 illegal Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) despite an active case.

The case, challenging the appointments of CAS, was due for a mention today at 9.00am.

The Judiciary has had numerous opportunities to stop these illegal appointments, but failed to act. Instead, the Judiciary by this stroke, is responsible for aiding and abetting impunity. This action undermines the rule of law, and increases the public wage bill, even as Kenyans reel under an economic crisis.

When Eliud Matindi and others challenged the CAS appointments, the courts denied them conservatory orders to protect the constitution.

Instead, the court fixed the case for mention (not hearing) today at 9:00am. Yet by sunrise, the same
Judiciary had sent a top official to swear in the 50 illegal CAS at State House. These actions by the Judiciary are akin to a wild goose chase!

Kenyans know that conservatory orders preserve and protect the Constitution while a case is pending.

By refusing to issue conservatory orders and giving dates so far into the future, the Kenyan Judiciary is facilitating Executive impunity.

Amidst signs of an imperial presidency, the Kenyan Judiciary has abandoned its job of protecting Kenyans from impunity and violation of the Constitution of Kenya.

We stand against the rising judicial Utado! and demand that the Judiciary stops serving Kenyans hot air!


  1. Inuka Ni Sisi Ltd
  2. Transparency International Kenya
  3. The Institute for Social Accountability
  4. Constitution and Reform Education Consortium
  5. Siasa Place
  6. Inform Action
  7. Muslims for Human Rights
  8. Haki Yetu Organisation
  9. CSO Network
  10. Kenya Human Rights Commission
  11. Midrift Human Rights Network
  12. Defenders Coalition
  13. Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance
  14. Mazingira Institute

Adongo Ogony is a Kenyan Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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