The emerging new idea to save Kenyans from poverty and lift the working and poor people of Kenya is the very “revolutionary and progressive” idea of politicians telling Kenyans to look at how good they are at stealing and giving back to keep stealing.
“I steal public money from you and give you back some of it because I am very generous”
That seems to be the bottoms-up philosophy if you can even call it that.
Can the so-called generous thieves really rescue our country which they have worked so hard and generously to ruin by grabbing public money and properties?
Are our politicians whom we know very well be the ones who will save us and our country from the misery of poverty they have built for our county?
I have my doubts. Every Kenyan knows these politicians will never lift the country from poverty. That is fine. The nation is going to deal with them. Accordingly.
I don’t want to look clever.
Read: Kenyan politician thieves travel to Tanzania to learn “GOOD MANNERS”
The frightening concept of governance in Kenya through trickle-down public theft by politicians emerged from a study done by The French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) headed by Thierry de Montbrial since its founding in 1979. Ifri is a non-governmental, non-profit organization.
I wish our own Kenyan human rights organizations like the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) and the Kenyan National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) would carry out any studies like this on economic rights and abuse of our country and
We need these iconic organizations in our country to launch real campaigns on the principle that “Economic Rights Are Human Rights For all Kenyans” instead of just tiresome press statements.
I have made a personal decision to contact those two organizations of which I have a big part to challenge them to take steps in fighting for and protecting the economic rights of all Kenyans.
That means the right to eat, the right to have water, the right to breath, the right to have a place to live, and basically the right not to robbed blind by political opportunists.
The study by the French Institute established a few on the ground facts.
One is that Kenya was the sixth richest country in sub-Saharan Africa in 2019 and the ninth fastest-growing country in the region in recent years, Kenya boasts an encouraging economic trajectory. That is excellent news for all of us.
Corruption in Kenya: Understanding a Multifaceted Phenomenon. That was the title of the study and they published their report in September 2019.
So where does our money go and where are we headed? Those are the questions we have to ask and we are going to do so without any apologies to the thieves who run our country and want to continue doing so.
They carried out field research carried out between March and September 2019.
“More than 40 semi-structured interviews were conducted with researchers, journalists, business people, activists and politicians in Nairobi and Mombasa to shed light on the idea at a time when the fight against corruption is the leitmotif of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s politics.
These interviews–which have been anonymized here–were supplemented by an extensive literature review, a press review, and an analysis of public data.”
“One key aspect of what emerged from this study is that the trickle-down of national and local resources during electoral campaigns brings voters closer to the proceeds of corruption, to the point where they sometimes become direct beneficiaries of it (vote-buying, support for organized groups).
Ultimately, the belief in this “sharing” of the rewards of corruption contributes to certain acceptability of politico-administrative corruption by citizens.
Even religious institutions in Kenya seem to be very eager to benefit from the proceeds of theft of public money.”
That is part of the report.
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Trickle-down theft by politicians also offers religious leaders good opportunities of collecting the proceeds of theft and an opportunity to bless the thieves and give them some moral cover so they can keep stealing our money and keep giving it to their friends including the religious outfits that can help get the votes for them.
The other thing the study found out was that Kenyan politicians of all tribes in our country love to create the scare for different ethnic groups that if they have “existential needs” that can only be met if so and so is elected and not the other person.
In reality, the only “existential need” in any election in Kenya is the need for our politicians robbing us to keep their positions and their powers to keep doing the same.
There really has never been any “existential need” for any ethnic group in our country that can only be defended by so and so as our leaders claim. We know how to live together and we have done so with a lot of success.
So we have two issues to deal with here.
Can Kenya sustain “Trickle-down theft of public money by politicians”?
The simple answer is no we can’t.
Our economy is at a turning point.
We either clean up the tunnels of corruption and lift the country or we will be buried as a country with nothing for the citizens and very rich and “generous” political leaders.
The option of rich “generous politicians” for our country sinking the nation to the abyss is dreadful and has to be rejected wholesome by every Kenyan regardless of their ethnicity.
The other option of kicking out the “rich generous politicians” is in our hands come August 2022.
Kenyans can still eat their money.
Oh for God’s sake it is not the politicians’ money, it is our money which they stole.
Just take it and vote the crooks out. There is nothing they can do about that after they lose and they are not coming back for their money. There are no refunds in this line of business. You buy and lose, you go to hell. End of story.
Kenyans need to ask the politicians why it is not better to just not steal public money intended for development in the country and this gives a tiny percentage back to bribe them for votes, rather than just leave the public money alone to help Kenyans have good schools, good roads, better water systems and working healthcare and education structures.
If someone came to your house and grabbed all your clothes, what is the value if they throw back to you one T-shirt, some underwear, and one pair of pants so that you don’t come out of your house naked.
Nothing. It is theft. Just don’t grab my clothes and then we can talk about what you want from me. Why is that so difficult for a lot of our politicians?
The other issue we have to deal with here is that there is a huge link between “Trickle Down Theft of Public Money” and “Bottoms Up Model” being promoted by some politicians in Kenya today.
We know the people promoting “Bottoms Up” myth in Kenya and we know their record on corruption and the huge pending cases they face in our courts today.
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Their message and demand from Kenyans are that they will forgive themselves for robbing the country and go scot-free as they peddle some delusions to Kenyans.
Our message to them on the ballot box should be to tell them look we are taking back the money you stole and you are going to need to get your own bottom up without stealing from us.
It is going to be a very simple straightforward message for them and Kenyans are going to deliver it to them much to their utter shock.
That is their problem, not ours.
It is quite interesting that those yelling against “trickle down” economy as a failure actually want to convince Kenyans that “trickle down theft” of our public money is the solution for our economic problems and of course God whom they think they own has already approved that.
Maybe not.
We will find out soon enough.
Kenyans are now anxiously waiting to hear where this goes.
They know.
We are Kenyans.