Tim Wanyonyi: I will be running for Governor of Nairobi in 2022

2 mins read

Tim Wanyonyi has declared he will be running for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat in 2022, after serving as Westlands MP for two terms. Despite an endorsement by Raila in 2018, the ODM legislator had not declared his interest in the seat.

“I have been tried and tested having been a former councillor from 2007 to 2012. I understand the issues Nairobians face. Kidero and Sonko did not understand the dynamics and politics of City Hall and that’s why they failed despite having a successful past,” the MP told a local publication on Saturday.

The MP banks on ODM’s popularity in Nairobi, something he says gives it capacity to present another governor.

“If Nairobi remains the way it is, the only party with sway is Jubilee but it is almost disintegrated. As for UDA we still haven’t established whether it’s strong in the city or in rural areas. ODM has the capability to present another governor,” he added.

Last month, allies of DP William Ruto in Bungoma announced they would throw their weight behind Mr. Wanyonyi if he ran for governor’s seat in Bungoma. Sirisia MP John Waluke, who was touted to be William Ruto’s man for the seat in 2022 withdrew from the race in favor of Tim Wanyonyi.

On ODM politics, MP Wanyonyi, who is also a brother to Bungoma Senator Moses Weangula says only Raila Odinga is best suited to succeed President Uhuru. However, the orange party believes in a competitive process of picking its flagbearer, despite Odinga being the only leader with the experience to run a national campaign.

“Running a national campaign requires a lot of experience and Raila provides that. We have however provided for competition within the party so that anyone who wishes to vie is not pushed out. Governors Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya have expressed interest in the presidency but I am sure Raila will win,” says Wanyonyi.

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