
Ruto lying to Kikuyus Raila is Uhuru’s 2022 choice, MP Jeremiah Kioni

2 mins read

Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni has said that Deputy President William Ruto and his brigade lied to the people of Mt Kenya region that ODM leader Raila Odinga is President Uhuru Kenyatta’s preferred candidate in 2022 General Election.

Speaking on Monday, Kioni said that the Head of State has never told anyone from the region to go to the former Prime Minister’s side.

“It’s William Ruto and the UDA brigade that lied to the mountain that the candidate for Uhuru in 2022 is Raila Odinga for the reason that it’s very easy for him to campaign against Raila in Mt. Kenya region,” the MP said.

Read: SK Macharia hosts Raila, Mt Kenya governors and tycoons in Gatanga

Kioni, a close ally of President Kenyatta also hinted at dumping President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee party for a new outfit, yet to be announced.

“Jubilee was formed to deliver UhuRuto and has achieved its’ purpose. We can either reuse the vehicle or board another vehicle for a different purpose ahead. In so doing, the most critical aspect of those involved is key: Credibility and acceptability of the champion,” Kioni said.


Apart from MP Kion, Laikipia Woman Rep Cate Waruguru also intends to dump the president’s party saying she had listened to the voice of her constituents who demands she join William Ruto’s UDA.

Read: Raila’s man Norman Magaya to lead One Kenya Alliance as its CEO?

”I told you that I am a wise woman who keeps her ears on the ground. I have listened to the people with whom I held over 40 meetings. They said William Samoei Ruto tosha 2022,” said Waruguru on Monday.

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