Ruto has never been a leader at any time in his life. He is always a follower.

4 mins read

Ruto hands over loads of money to a supporter in 1993 when he was the leader of the YK92 gangster movement killing and robbing Kenyans. It surprises me that some human rights activists in Kenya support this guy who killed their comrades but that is their choice and I respect it.

Ruto joined politics at 25 years of age after college and they formed the YK92 which was the first terrorist organization in our country. And yes Ruto used wheelbarrows to go collect millions of money from the Central Bank to finance his terror against human rights activists fighting for multi-party democracy in Kenya at that time in 1992.

I was already in Canada at the time as a refugee and that is why I get shocked when some of my comrades today including Miguna Miguna who lives here in Canada are so much in love with this guy who was killing their own fellow students like Karimi Nduthu who was murdered in his own house after serving years in jail.

They just went to his house after he came out of jail and shot him and then claimed he was attacked by robbers. I visited his mother at her home in Nakuru and she was so nice and generous to us including my son, Karimi, who is named after the comrade.

For ten years from 1992 to 2002 Ruto was one of the most aggressive and ardent supporters of the Moi dictatorship.

Read: Who is Geoffrey Rigathi Gachagua; Ruto’s proposed DP? A first-class criminal by all measures. How fitting.

They were crushed in 2002 and they couldn’t believe it because Mwai Kibaki the then-presidential candidate had a nasty accident and Moi had Uhuru and Ruto and they were sure they were going to win the election when Kibaki was hospitalized in London for two months before the elections.

Then this guy killed them just like he is about to do again this time with Uhuru on his side. Poor Ruto never saw this coming. Then or now.

William Ruto is very good at being a follower of somebody or something. He did it to Moi then to Raila and later Uhuru and now for the first time he has to be a leader of a national party and he has no clue how that works.

Ruto’s noisy followers like my friend Miguna and Ahmednasir Abdullahi have this obsession that the UDA leader has Kikuyu voters in his pocket and that is the end of the story. Nonsense.

William Ruto will be very lucky if 50% of the Mt. Kenya voters even bother to come and vote for him. He can get 100% of that vote and still lose badly. He needs more than 4 million votes from Mt. Kenya and he will not get it.

Nairobi is also gone from Ruto and he can hope to get maybe 300,000 votes. Uhuru had a million votes in Nairobi. That is gone to Raila and the Azimio team.

June is going to be OK as Ruto and co try to navigate something. Come July they are going to go into panic mode. That is their problem. Let them deal with it.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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