The irony is that the wild claims doing rounds that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has ENDORSED Somalia’s candidate for AUC has been published more on Kenyan blogs than on Somalia blogs.
Not surprising to me, 90% of its ardent peddlers are Mt. Kenya jingoists desperate to have their perennial bogeyman stay local, so that they use him to herd their sheep to the 2027 slaughter.
OIC is continentally and globally inconsequential. Granted, it offered a platform for the somalia candidate to lobby, but the final text of the outcome of OIC meeting said nothing about AU.
Raila Odinga will only fail in his AUC bid if he designs his quest to end in failure, something that only Raila himself can do, with a good amount of being egged on by Mt. Kenya.
By the way, even Uganda is a member of the OIC, yet Uganda has endorsed the Kenyan, not the Somalian. Djibouti, with a candidate, is also a member.
Luos, please use this AUC thing to know your local friends.
If your house is on fire, the neighbour who brings water to quell the fire is your true friend, not the one who brings petrol.