
President Uhuru, NASA principals agree on unity deal for 2022

2 mins read

With the next general elections just a year away, President Uhuru Kenyatta and former National Super Alliance (NASA) principals have agreed to their respective political parties being part of a broad coalition with an intention of capturing power next year.

This follows a five-hour meeting at State House in Mombasa convened by the head of state, attended by party leaders Raila Odinga (ODM), Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), and Gideon Moi (KANU).

Read: President Uhuru summons Raila, OKA principals to State House

At the meeting, multiple sources say, the president, who has had a number of private meetings with ODM boss Raila Odinga told the leaders his backing is only guaranteed if they unite.

The ruling Jubilee Party is already working on its merger plan with Raila’s ODM. At the same time, KANU, ANC, Wiper, and Ford-Kenya are currently in the recently formed One Kenya Alliance (OKA), following the disintegration of NASA.

State House spokesperson Kanze Dena said the leaders discussed several issues of national importance, including the impact of Covid-19, how to revamp the economy, and the importance of maintaining peace, unity, and national cohesion.

“Among the subjects discussed by the leaders were Covid-19’s impact on the country and how to revamp the economy; the importance of maintaining peace, unity, and national cohesion,” said the statement signed by Kanze Dena, the State House spokesperson. 

Read: Uhuru-Raila five hour meeting birthed IEBC Commissioners

After falling out with his deputy, Uhuru is keen on ensuring he hands over power to anyone except Ruto.

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