
President Uhuru has planned to bring me down, DP Ruto

2 mins read

With the presidential campaigns beginning to heat up, Deputy President William Ruto now claims President Uhuru Kenyatta is plotting to bring him down over his quest for the top seat next year.

The DP, while speaking in Kitui county on the first day of his lower Easter region tour explained the elaborate plan also has also roped in former prime minister Raila Odinga, who is being bankrolled and supported by state apparatus.

”I was good man when I supported President Uhuru Kenyatta for the presidency and when I supported Raila Odinga to become Prime Minister. Now they have planned to bring me down in the quest for the presidency, but I am more prepared than them. I am ready,” DP Ruto said.

Read: President Uhuru, Raila Odinga and OKA agree to form a super alliance

The DP’s remarks came just hours after Interior PS Karanja Kibicho tore into Ruto and his allies for constantly attacking officials at the Interior Ministry, telling them him (Kibicho) and CS Fred Matiangi will continue engaging in politics just like any other Kenyan.

”We have a legal right to conduct civic education to our people by advising them to vote in responsible leaders. As such, we shall not allow to be gagged by a few politicians who think they should dictate to us on how to perform our duties,” Dr. Kibicho said in Ndia, Kirinyaga county.

The PS, who has been accused of using his position to influence the outcome of next year’s general elections in favor of Raila Odinga maintained they would not resign as pushed by Ruto’s team, but will continue telling Kenyans to do things right by electing accountable leaders.

“We have to help the people in asking the right questions to those who intend to ask for our votes. Long gone are days when people would vote blindly without assessing the suitability of leaders,” said the PS.

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