Police: We did not raid Dr. Khaminiwa’s offices

2 mins read

Detectives and police officers attached to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission have distanced themselves from a raid that was conducted at the veteran lawyer and Senior Counsel Dr. John Khaminiwa’s office yesterday. In a tweet on Sunday morning, the anti-graft body told members of the public they did not conduct any operations yesterday like it had been reported on a section of the media.

“We wish to notify the public that we (EACC) did not conduct any operation yesterday and media reports suggesting that EACC visited the offices of John Khaminwa Senior Counsel are unfounded,” a tweet from EACC’s official Twitter handles reads.

EACC was supported by Nairobi Police Commandant Augustine Nthumbi who affirmed no officer was sent to raid Dr. Khaminiwa’s offices and they have launched investigations into the matter.

“No police officer was sent to raid Khaminwa’s offices on Saturday, but from the allegations, we have launched investigations into his claims. Why would we be looking for Khaminwa? As we know him, he is a law-abiding citizen and we as the police have no reason to look for him,” he said.

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Speaking to the press on Saturday, Dr. Khaminiwa said the individuals did not strike him as state officers and that he got an impression they were sent by very senior individuals to intimidate him, and at the same time calling for security to lawyers involved in the BBI case.

“I told them off because I got the impression they were either trying to see whether they could make use of what happened yesterday in court or they had been sent by someone in a superior office to intimidate me.”

”It has always been a problem when one is handling extremely sensitive cases in this country. We need cooperation and assistance from the inspector general of police to ensure that all the lawyers who are in this case are given proper protection and nothing embarrassing happens to them,” he said.

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