Parliament to audit the ethnic composition of top KRA positions

1 min read

The National Assembly has initiated an audit over the ethnic composition of Kenya Revenue Authority top officials. Last week on Thursday, lawmakers led by nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi sought answers from Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani about the ethnic composition of top KRA positions. The MP claims one community accounts for almost all the critical posts at the Authority and wants a detailed list of names, ethnicity and county of origin of who is who in the body’s top management.

“Could the Cabinet Secretary provide a detailed list of all top management positions at KRA indicating the position, names of current holders, county of origin, ethnicity, academic and professional qualifications of holders and numbers of years of service,” Osotsi said.

According to sources, the MP is relying on Section 7 of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, which prohibits any public establishment from having more than one-third of its staff from the same ethnic community.

Currently, out of the 133 senior management positions at KRA, 50 are held by members of the Kikuyu community, translating to 37.59 per cent of the body’s workforce. This hiring leaves the remaining 83 slots to be shared among the remaining 41 Kenyan tribes.

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