With each day that passes, every Kenyan wakes up with a renewed hope, of a colourful future, in the midst of a once in a lifetime pandemic, that has shattered the global economy.
Kenya, among the community of nations, has taken the worst hit, and now, every citizen is grappling with the global economic meltdown that has trickled down into our pockets and inside our homes.
However, amidst the turmoil and hard times, Mwananchi Credit is reaching out to more Kenyans, in a collaborative effort to cushion families and businesses with their affordable financial loans.

Small and medium business owners, parents seeking school fees either in high school or at the university have been the biggest beneficiaries of Mwanachi Credit Limited.
This is mostly attributed to the friendly terms of lending and the provision of no penalties, MPESA statements, or securities needed in order to secure a loan with them. How fantastic is that!

As a borrower, you will be a beneficiary of its policy of having the power to restructure your loan repayment schedule, according to your changing economic circumstances, as a client.

To demonstrate this, the lender lifted the decision to repossess cars of clients who had defaulted their loans and reached for them to restructure their loans depending on their financial capabilities.

Last week, Mwananchi Credit released over 43 logbooks to their owners after granting them a 100% waiver for charges accrued for depositing bounced cheques.
Currently, the lender’s loans only attract an interest of 1.5% for a longer loan repayment period.

After the pandemic hit the country in March last year, the Head of State announced a raft of guidelines to help the country wade through the viral infection. Some of which have painstakingly shattered the lives of civil servants to date.

Despite these, a number of the civil servants have benefitted from Mwananchi Credit, which came to their rescue at the opportune time and are now having a lighter financial burden, compared to last year.
Mwanachi Credit is for the people, an inspiration behind its ‘Mwanachi’ name.