Mudavadi: Raila, Muhoho, and Moi discussed dowry, not 2022

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ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi has dismissed talk of an alliance between Raila Odinga, Kanu chairman Gideon Moi, and President Uhuru Kenyatta. Mudavadi wondered why a meeting between the three had captured the attention of the public and the media, which he says have fallen prey to ”parochialism.”

”Surely, have we reached a stage in Kenya where we say we do not talk to each other. People have become parochial in terms of who to interact with and who not to interact with. Even the media is falling prey to this parochialism,” a visibly outraged Mudavadi told the press on Wednesday, from his Mudavadi Center offices in Nairobi.

The former VP explained leaders were free to meet without the media and Kenyans reading too much from the engagements, saying it borders on schizophrenia. He said Gideon Moi meeting Raila was not an indication they are joining hands with the ODM leader.

”It is excessive. It is bordering on schizophrenia. Perhaps they were discussing dowry. Maybe their children want to get married… If we want to make a pronouncement about an alliance I will public about it and say we have been having consultations in the background.”

On Tuesday, Kanu boss Gideon Moi and President Uhuru Kenyatta’s younger brother Muhoho held a three hour meeting with Raila Odinga at his Karen residence. The meeting came against a backdrop of a similar one, by between the ODM leader and President Uhuru Kenyatta last Saturday.

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