
Kalonzo not joining Azimio won’t stop our win, Otiende Amollo says

2 mins read

Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo says while it is preferable for Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and his One Kenya Alliance (OKA) to join hands with the Azimio Coalition, it was not a mandatory move for the former vice president noting Raila Odinga led Azimio will still clinch the presidency in August.

”It is certainly not true to say that unless HE Kalonzo Musyoka joins none of this could form. Of course, it could form. In 2007, Kalonzo Musyoka had his party akapitia katikati but he did not win.

The reality is it would be really preferable if the OKA coalition joins the Azimio as they have intimated and it would be preferable if the talks are finalized sooner. But if for any reason that does not happen. It will not stop us from winning the election,” the MP said on Tuesday morning on a local TV morning show.

Read: Moses Kuria agrees to work with OKA, gives conditions

On Friday, OKA spokesperson Fredrick Okango said in a statement to newsrooms a meeting that was to showcase the unveiling of OKA Coalition, as well as the signing of an agreement, was rescheduled to a later date, this week, to accommodate new partners.

”These ideals continue to attract political formations with which we share the vision of a united nation anchored on the rule of law and equitable development. We would to reassure the public and our supporters that we remain committed to our cause for a just, inclusive and prosperous nation,” read the statement in part, just hours after Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria expressed his willingness to join OKA but on condition, the outfit does not work with Azimio.

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