
Inside Azimio Coalition’s Kibra Declaration

5 mins read

On Sunday, February 5th at Kamukunji grounds in Kibra constituency, Raila Odinga held another rally demanding the current administration to leave office, describing it as illegitimate.

Mr. Odinga who has been in West Africa, visiting Nigeria and Senegal jetted back into the country this morning and was accompanied to the Kibra gathering by the coalition’s principals, Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua, and a host of leaders.

Below is the Kibra Declaration this afternoon:

● Our stand remains that Ruto did not win the elections. He got into State House by hijacking and subverting the will of the people. He must get out.

● As if subverting the will of the people is not bad enough, he has proceeded to govern with absolute contempt for the people and our institutions. Tax cheats and all sorts of criminals are with Ruto right in his government. But he is pretending to be looking for criminals outside his government.

● We have a situation where when a poor man steals, he goes to jail while a rich man or woman who steals or had stolen becomes a minister or a CEO.

● Ruto promised a poor man’s government only to unveil a government of billionaires that has no room for the poor.

● Where people expected a caring regime, they have been rewarded with the most I don’t care government this country has ever known.

● There will be no increase in wages to enable people cope with inflation. But there is increase in taxes. Ruto found our people with a little in their pockets. Now even that little is being taken away. He is pickpocketing the poor to feed his rich friends.

● Ruto did a good job identifying the problems of the so-called hustlers. Now he is making their problems worse. Where a hustler had two problems, now he has four. Where a hustler could put at least two meals on the table instead of three, now he can put only one. Where a hustler was paying a quarter of school fees, now the hustler must pay in full.

● Instead of lifting people out of poverty, Ruto is pushing more into poverty. Instead of the government helping people to stay afloat, the government is asking people to help it survive.

● We want this yoke removed from the backs of our people. Get the taxes off our backs. Get the IMF out of our backs. They have messed us up before. They are messing us up again.

● Corruption is written all over government. The corrupt are having the best time of their lives. They managed to put one of their own as president. For the first time, they own a government. Gachagua just got refunded 200 million he stole from the people.

● Ruto wants to fill IEBC with seven Wafula Chebukatis single handedly without even a word from the people of Kenya who are served by IEBC. That is a sure path to another stolen election and even chaos.

● Ruto is perfecting the obstruction of Justice by making judges dependent on his will alone. That’s why cases against Ruto people are being dropped.

● Ruto wants to sell State parastatals without involving elective representatives of the people because Ruto and his gang of thieves want to take those parastatals and give others to foreigners who helped him steal elections.

● Ruto and his team are behaving like thieves who sneaked into a granary and are trying to pick as much food as they can while the owner is asleep. Unfortunately for him, the owners of the store were never asleep. They are awake and they are coming for him.

● Kenyans have the right and duty to reject this Government and put in place one that has their consent and that governs in the best interest of Kenyans.

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