
Free Korogocho Ward Rep

1 min read

Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Sunday in Kibra demanded the immediate release of Korogocho MCA Absalom Odhiambo.

Odinga revealed that the MCA was re-arrested and taken into police custody.

”Yule MCA wetu wa Korogocho Bwana Absalom ameshikwa na polisi wamemueka korokoroni huko. Nasema lazima awachiliwe kabla haijafika kesho,” he said.

He gave the government 24 hours to release the controversial MCA, whose whereabouts remain unknown.

MCA Odhiambo’s concerns were raised by Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP) Babu Owino, who disclosed the MCA is held at Tigoni police station in Kiambu. His lawyer, Apollo Mboya, told the press that his client was picked up by officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

“He was apprehended at 11 a.m. on Saturday, February 4, by officers who said the matter was a DCI case. The officers did not give any reason why he was being moved,” Mboya stated.

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