Winnie Odinga recounts how the government blocked her from helping needy Nairobi women

1 min read

Ms. Winnie Odinga, the daughter of ODM leader Raila Odinga has blasted Nairobi MPs for failing to perform their jobs, in helping their needy constituents. In a tweet on Tuesday, Ms. Odinga said none of the city MPs currently in the 12th parliament, is taking their legislation jobs seriously and that the city was drowning in filth. The roles of representing the people, oversight institutions, and legislating on behalf of the people had been completely forgotten.

”There is not a single Nairobi MP in the 12th parliament that has taken any one of these jobs seriously. This city is drowning in filth both metaphorically & literally,” she protested.

Winnie proceeded to recount how her efforts to help women around Kilimani area were thwarted by government officials, who were hungry for licensing money, from the women. Instead of letting the women freely work, they were arrested for cleaning and collecting litter along the streets in her neighborhood.

”I started a program hiring the women in kilimani who sit on corners to sweep the roads, slash grass along the street, collect small small litter. They were arrested because they didn’t have a licence to clean from the county and company not registered. A license to clean!”

For the last three days, Kenyans have continued to express their frustrations at the over taxation and the sleaze currently being witnessed in the Jubilee regime.

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