Why Mudavadi is outraged Raila is running for President

2 mins read

On Thursday, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi went on a long diatribe, whining in the full glare of cameras, over Raila Odinga’s mere pronouncement he is fighting for the ODM Party’s presidential ticket.

The ANC boss, who has been on the forefront trying to cobble an alliance with Kalonzo Musyoka, Gideon Moi and Mosses Wetangula once again showed his colorless and weak political demeanor.

Political Coalitions world over are created to seek power, and capture it. In an event it does not capture power, members will cut ties with the outfit in their conscience. Even if the ties that bind were anchored on law or paper. 

Musalia Mudavadi and Kalonzo Musyoka have been lamenting over one man, since 2018. Instead of telling Kenyans why they should be elected to office in 2022.

Nine years later, Musalia Mudavadi is still stuck on his ”Niachie” attitude after being labeled a ”madimoni” in 2012. Just like he joined Uhuru and Ruto hoping to be the ”safe and gentle” pair of hands after Kibaki, Mudavadi is playing the same script in 2022 page by page. History surely has a way of repeating itself.

From the formation of One Kenya Alliance, to his diatribes in the media, lashing out at Raila Odinga while begging for his attention at the same time.

Musalia Mudavadi is angry Raila Odinga is running for president because, with the ODM leader on the ballot, no other candidate stands a chance. The ANC leader included.

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