
War on Poverty, Corruption: Odinga’s top agenda as President

1 min read

ODM leader Raila Odinga has outlined his main agenda once he assumes office as President next year, and top on the list is his resolve to fight poverty and the problematic corruption depleting public coffers.

Speaking on Monday evening in Kisumu, the ODM leader said his administration will focus on sealing the loopholes from where public servants steal from the taxpayers.

Read: Uhuru instructed us to sell Raila in our region, Kanini Kega

”President Uhuru Kenyatta said the country loses Sh2 billion daily to corruption and theft. This is unacceptable for taxpayers who are struggling to make a living. I know the loopholes and where these corruption activities thrive and I will deal with them,” the former prime minister said at Nyamasaria, while also assuring residents of his Sh. 6,000 stipends to jobless Kenyans.

”I want to assure you that my idea of tackling extreme poverty cases through issuing an Sh6,000 stipend will come to pass. I have been in the government where almost all my agendas have been fulfilled and nothing can stop me from helping needy Kenyans,” said Odinga.

Even though he has not formally declared to run for the top seat next year, all signs indicate the ODM leader will be giving a fifth stab at the presidency in 2022 after disclosing on Friday in Nyamira he was initially planning to back Interior CS Dr. Fred Matiangi to succeed President Uhuru.

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