
Uhuru instructed us to sell Raila in our region, Kanini Kega

1 min read

Kieni MP Kanini Kega has for the first time publicly confessed to the people of Mt Kenya region how President Uhuru Kenyatta gave them his blessings and instructions, to campaign for Raila Odinga in the vote-rich region.

Speaking in Ruri, Kiambu county on Thursday when accompanying the former prime minister on a visit, the Kieni legislator described Raila as a price of the peace who had won many Kenyan’s admiration and confidence- including that of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Read: Huge boost for Raila as Kabogo joins camp

”I would like to tell you that Raila is our fifth president and nothing will change it. We have blessings of Uhuru Kenyatta and we will do as he direct,” Kanini said, while also disclosing they have begun reaching out to other leaders in the region, including those perceived to be pro-Ruto as they consolidate the vote-rich block.

On Thursday, the former prime minister held a consultative meeting with Kiambu county leaders at Safari Park Hotel before proceeding to launch Gathiruini factory, and later donate medical equipment worth 10M at the Kigumo Hospital.

The ODM leader was accompanied by Kiambu Governor James Nyoro, MP Gatundu North Wanjiku Kibe, Maina Kamanda (nominated), Dennis Waweru (former Dagoretti South MP), Kanini Kega (Kieni MP), Rachael Shebesh (former Nairobi Woman Rep) and Nyeri Deputy Governor Caroline Karugu.

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