
Ruto Regime Has Schizophrenia and They Are Sending the Country into Panic

16 mins read

It is one thing for the Ruto regime to have no clue what they are doing but to announce ten different things about the same subject is schizophrenic politics which is extremely dangerous for the country.

Can Ruto stick to one thing at least? If he wants to send police and thugs to go kill Kenyans holding demonstrations make that your plan and let’s see how wonderfully successful it will be starting today.

People with schizophrenia which is a severe mental illness will tell you ten different things at the same time and it is all about voices speaking in their heads. At one point they tell you someone in their head is telling them to kill so and so who is plotting to do something bad to them?

Then at the same time, they tell you a guy in a car that just passed by just whispered something in their head and that person wants to kill them so he wants to chase that car. It can go on like that forever. That is the Ruto government we have in Kenya today. It is terrifying.

With medical schizophrenia the patients take medication to sort things out. It is called Olanzapine.

But with Ruto and his regime there are no medications for the political patients in his government Kenyans have to deal with.

The masses of Kenya will have to provide Ruto and his regime with the type of medication only citizens can provide to their crazy leaders when they have them in power. It is called mass action and unfortunately for the Ruto sickos with their self imposed schizophrenia that kind of medication is going to make things so much worse for Ruto and his friends.

In the Ruto government, some devils are whispering things in their heads so they have to deal with each of those. In the morning today, the IG Japhet Koome got his whispers and ordered all demos on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, banned.

According to news media, the government has declared illegal the planned demonstrations by the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Opposition Coalition, setting the stage for yet another clash between the police and protestors on Wednesday.

Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome, in a statement on Tuesday, said the Raila Odinga-led faction had not made any formal notification to the police on the planned gatherings, hence the protests are unlawful.

He thus warned Kenyans against participating in the demos saying the police would accordingly deal with demonstrators.

The same devils after they finished with IG Koome then rushed to another senior government top guy, the CS for Interior Kithure Kindiki.

This time devils had a different storytelling Kindiki that millions of thugs and warriors are planning to attack kids in schools on Wednesday July 19, 2023, specifically in Nairobi, Kisumu, and Mombasa.

This terrible news and revelation forced the CS to ban any kid in any of those places from going to school. How long that ban on kids going to school will stay nobody and not even Kindiki knows. His head is waiting for more info from the satanis in there.

Media reports are that the government has ordered the closure of all-day primary and secondary schools in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu ahead of anti-government demonstrations set to be staged by the Azimio opposition coalition from Wednesday this week.

In a joint statement signed by Interior CS Prof. Kithure Kindiki and his Education counterpart Ezekiel Machogu, the two ministers noted that credible intelligence reports have revealed plans by a number of rogue elements to attack specific schools in the counties in order to ‘unleash terror and violence on the public’ during the demos. 

“The Government has received credible security intelligence that criminal elements intend to engage in armed skirmishes with security agencies around certain schools within Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu,” reads the statement seen by Citizen Digital. 

“As a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of school children, it has been decided that ALL day Primary and Secondary schools within Nairobi and Mombasa cities SHALL remain closed tomorrow.”

From just these two schizophrenic paranoia from Ruto and his boys, a few things are already very clear. You can notice that the school bans are in Azimio strongholds. The message is very direct when you look at it. The Ruto government intends to unleash untold violence on Kenyans in all those areas of Nairobi, Kisumu, and Mombasa.

So first IG Koome is getting his killers ready and reports are they may even be importing weapons from Uganda to help carry out the operations. So IG Koome is telling Kenyans that if you are out there they are coming to kill you.

Secondly, Kindiki is clearing the killing lines so there are no school kids for the police to shoot or to have to jump over to wipe out the unwanted Kenyans. People get that message very clearly and not even the devil in the heads of Ruto and his team knows how tomorrow will turn out. So more orders will be issued after tomorrow.

In the meantime Kipchumba Murkomen today wants Raila to have talks with the KK mob again. The same Murkomen was asking Raila to retire from politics yesterday because Ruto and his mob don’t give a shit about him and he is a useless man. What changed between yesterday and today? That is how schizophrenics work. Each day is a totally new work with no memory of yesterday. Oh, dear.

“It is still my prayer and considered opinion that Raila Odinga should use his influence to call off the planned mass action. He has the ability and responsibility to do so. There is no reason why we shouldn’t resume the Parliamentary talks,” said Murkomen.

As if to facilitate their next actions, the Ruto government is taking away all state security provided to political leaders today considered as enemies of the Ruto state. Forget the Kenya state. That is dead now and the Ruto state will only provide security to people singing for Ruto.

So here is the list.

Four Governors in the Nyanza region have had their security details withdrawn by the government in what has been seen as due to the ongoing protests called by Azimio but outlawed by the state.

The move comes in the wake of the latest warning by the Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kindiki Kithure that they will not allow the leaders to hold protests while enjoying state security.

Governors Anyang Nyong’o (Kisumu), James Orengo (Siaya), Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay) and Ochilo Ayacko (Migori) had their security details withdrawn over the weekend.

Governor Nyong’o confirmed that his security had been withdrawn but failed to divulge more information.

He only went further to say that he will be content with private security arrangements.

“They just informed us that my security has been recalled, without giving any explanation. We don’t know what they are up to,” said the Governor.

Already all the Azimio leaders have no state security as that has been taken back by Ruto and his regime.

Add Mama Ngina Kenyatta to the list of prominent Kenyans whose state security has been withdrawn. Why terrify the old lady who has really never been involved in politics? The deal here is to send a message to Uhuru that the raiding of his family farm by Ruto State-hired thugs was nothing compared to what could come next. There are rumors Mama Ngina is probably leaving the country for fear of her life.

Mama Ngina’s security was curiously withdrawn just after KK mobsters had filed a notice to invade her home. That is what state terrorism looks like. They hit you from all sides.

A group of individuals allied to Kenya Kwanza that purport to represent traders yesterday notified the police of their intention to protest at the residence of former First Lady Ngina Kenyatta in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

Coincidentally, this is the day the opposition has scheduled protests against the high cost of living.

 The notice, dated July 18, was signed by Theuri Wanjiru, who claimed to be the chairperson of the Business community. Wanjiru stated that the procession would consist of concerned traders and community members who would proceed to the former First Lady’s residence.

 “While our gathering will be resolute, we emphasize that its nature is peaceful and respectful. During our procession, our demonstrations will respectfully plead with the former First Lady to request her sons to cease financing demonstrations that have been adversely affecting our businesses,” he said.

It would be mature and responsible if Ruto can leave people like Mama Ngina alone even though Ruto and his gang are really mad at Uhuru who has nothing to do with their problems. But the Ruto state has its own norms and laws and harassing a ninety-plus-year-old woman whose main crime is being the mother of former president Uhuru Kenyatta is just regular business for them. What a sad group of people.

It total the Ruto government has decided it is time to try and scare the hell out of their political enemies who are running circles around them and send the whole country into a panic mode so nobody gets out of their homes for the rallies. What happens if that doesn’t work?

If the Ruto government wants to shoot and kill some people, the state security is not going to make a difference and in fact, may even help.

So these are fear and terror tactics for a regime that is in a hole and cannot stop digging. They are making the Wednesday rallies a milestone in the battle against the Ruto regime. Ruto and his friends are giving Raila Odinga and the Azimio leadership golden political gifts at the cost of frightening the whole country into a comatose. What a price Kenyans have to pay to deal with uncouth and a very cruel regime led by William Ruto. It is a price Kenyans will never forget.

And now the Ruto boys suspend Railway Services for Kenyans even though they still expect them to go to work.

Kenya Railways suspends all commuter train services ahead of demos

Kenya Railways announced a temporary suspension of all commuter train services on Wednesday.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Corporation said the suspension will affect routes in the Nairobi Commuter Rail Service trains serving between Nairobi Central Station and Lukenya, Syokimau, Embakasi Village, Ruiru, Kahawa West and Limuru

The Commuter Passenger Service between Nairobi Terminus and Ngong Station will also be suspended. 

I am surprised boda boda services have not been suspended all across the country. That is a big means of transport for Kenyans going to the rallies to fight for a better life for themselves and their country. Boda bodas bans are next as Ruto loses his marbles and is fumbling like a headless chicken trying to stop Azimio rallies.

It is amazing how Ruto is shutting down the country for demos which his government has already banned and will not take place whatsoever according to him. Then why panic. It tells you how futile William Ruto knows his government has become and how nobody cares about their threats.

Ruto should ban all road travels all over Kenya in the next three days. Heck, the regime could also ban any Kenyan from walking in the next couple of days. Just lie at home and whether you are starving there is your own business. Remember Ruto already declared that Kenyans can only demonstrate in their houses. He is implementing that plan now. Talk about being a visionary leader.

Leo ni Leo. That is Wednesday, July 19, 2023 which could go down as one of the most important days in the Kenyan struggle for a free and democratic nation. July 7, 1990 defined Kenyan liberation politics in the 20th century post-independence and now July 19, 2023 could very well define Kenyan liberation politics in the 21st century. Kenyans will figure that out.

Adongo Ogony is a Kenyan Human Rights Activist and  Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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