Raila reveals identity of three members DP Ruto appointed to the BBI taskforce

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ODM leader Raila Odinga has for the first time named the three BBI Committee members DP William Ruto proposed to President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In an elaborate interview with Inooro FM from his Karen home on Thursday morning, Raila named the three individuals Ruto appointed to the task force, saying it was not correct to claim him and Uhuru sidelined Ruto in the BBI process.

”Katika hio jopo kazi ya watu kumi na nne, Uhuru aliteua watu saba na mimi vile vile watu saba. Miongoni mwa hawa saba wa Uhuru, Ruto aliteua watatu kwa mfano Mzee Matindura, Mzee Seii na Agnes Muthama. Vilevile Uhuru akateua Mathew, yule Njenga, Mama Leshomo kutoka Samburu na Mzee Haji,” Odinga revealed.

The 14 member BBI taskforce include Garissa Senator Mohamed Yusuf Haji, Bishop Lawi Imathiu, Maison Leshomo, James Matundura and Rose Moseu. Others are Agnes Kavindu Muthama, Saeed Mwaguni, Bishop Peter Njenga, Archbishop Emeritus Zaccheaus Okoth, Adams Oloo, Busia Senator Amos Wako, Florence Omose, Morompi ole Ronkei, and John Seii.

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